Maine. Everyone wants the inside track when exploring a new unknown area right?

It’s pretty important. To become familiar with the lay of the land whether in Maine or wherever you roam. To avoid time frittered away and for the best experience in Maine to be enjoyed. So a guide to living, visiting Maine, one of those that is not full of ads and more fluff than substance. Who wouldn’t want one of those kind of guides to Maine? To connect the dots. Chart the course.

Lobster Boats In Maine Part Of Christmas Dining.
Sea Food Always Welcome With Hot Coffee, Mirco Local Brews, Whatever You Slurp Fixed The Way You Like It Best!

To develop the guide to living in Maine for the fast track and to avoid wasting time of a precious short vacation would be a popular post or publication.

If you follow the Me In Maine blog you will see in a scan of the posts that being grateful living here and why is part of the hunt and peck. But also, saving time and being a resource for new to the many moving parts of Maine is an ongoing approach. To be part of what is fed and added to the post channel of this living in Maine blog series.

But to post the ABC’s to new visitors to Maine means in what topic, covering what subject? The needs are wide and topics to cover are vast. Because only an insider, a local living in Maine could share what a stranger would want. And in the particular region of Maine that you are needing the information that is custom coded to that section of Vacationland. For example, Downeast Maine, what you would enjoy knowing early on before you arrive at the town limits could set expectations, would save time too.

Maine's Kennebunkport Maine Beach Sea Shore
One Beach Is Not Exactly Like The Next. This One In Maine In Kennebunkport At Dusk.

But simple things first when considering heading to great state of Maine.

If you moved to Maine, when do you have to get a license from the Pine Tree State. Thirty days to get your new Maine driver’s license. To convert the out of state one you have for the one you as a resident of Maine need to be carrying.

A travel guide to Maine. But not just for vacation in Maine use. If you are retired, the income follows you over the state line. If not you need employment, a page explaining jobs in Houlton Maine and where to look could save time and money. A different area of the state of Maine would need another portal post to update current employment options and listings. Maine is a big state remember? And most of it is small rural communities scattered around the Maine country side. And not all with fully stocked chamber of commerce local information portals that are constantly fed or updated.

early houlton maine hotels, places to stay.
No Motel 6, No Howard Johnson Or Day’s Inn Back When In Small Maine Towns. Lots Of Local, No Franchise Chain Hotels To Stay in Northern Maine Towns. Or Lake, River Cabins. Inns, B&B’s To Sample The Flavor Best Away From The Interstate 95 Corridor.

Travel guides for Maine would be the start to the hit or miss visits that could develop into longer more permanent stays. The local posts on blogs written by native and transplanted Mainers are much more helpful than the paid for, four color glossing flyers. That’s publication size depends on the number of advertisements that the copy flows around.

Looking for helpful information takes time. So many websites and blog posts but fluff. It means lots of time spent searching to get what you are after and coming up empty handed on travel guides that hit the spot quickly.

Visit Maine is a good starting point. The site is pretty helpful too for drilling down to get a good basis to your Maine 101 knowledge base. But helpful advice, tips from an insider to Maine happy to share what the locals know and the outsider misses.

I have had my fill of the commercial sites that preach the top ten this, the pick of the pack of Maine locations for that.

Most don’t get inland from the southern coastal regions of Maine. Or above Waterville or August Maine up the pike in the dots on the map that outline the best this or that. You have to travel further north, you have to head to deeper sections of the inland of Maine. To sample her natural richness, the genuine real Maine without the commercial spin.

Maine. To see first hand, up close and personal the cream of the crop, best of the bunch list you draw up yourself. For what you like best, for what you seek out over and over in Maine favorite spots you vote for… that you uncover on your own over time. Not the list some advertising editor who has never set foot in Maine . But makes the claims as if he or she has been all over Maine all their life. Like they trying to play off as a local Mainer chummy. Just a little too slick, a lot out of kilter to what being in Maine is really like.

maine winter snow photo
Maine Is Real, Peaceful, Not Crowded. One Of The Lowest Crime States.

The travel guide to Maine. It better be the local perspective, the spin on any question posed about anything Maine from the insider who lives, works, plays here.

Wouldn’t that be the most helpful? Low key and conversational. Easy to digest. When nothing slick or paid for opens up the communication back and forth. And you get the raw truth on any matter that is on your mind needing attention for questions that should be answered better sooner than later.

Maine Outdoor Land Views
The View At Your Picnic In Maine. It Adds To The Home Made Taste Of Whatever Is Packed Away In The Handled Basket.

Welcome to Maine. Learn about Maine history. I live in Northern Maine. But try to venture out to other sections in Maine for my own curiosity and to share what I discover. In say Kennbunkport Maine to sample some summer sea air and beach sand.

Or over to Sugarloaf USA to winter snow ski. Or take a spin to Bar Harbor Maine to see what you are missing. That will make you return again and again once the heartstrings are tugged on sufficiently, consistently. I know many families who pick Old Orchard or Wells Beach as their life long venue for vacations in Maine.

And this just in. Didn’t you get the memo? Don’t forget we border Canada here in Maine and are related to the over homers eh? Ever been to Atlantic Canada traveling through Maine for the two nation vacation? Or to Quebec. “new France” traveling via Maine? Heading to the red soil, the beaches of Prince Edward Island Canada in a week and will snap capture the images. Will be sure to post the local information about PEI! Right next door to Maine.

Welcome to Maine.

The people are down to Earth, hardworking, friendly. Explore Maine. I pledge to continue to add to the online knowledge to glean whatever you can to prepare for your next maybe your first trip to Maine. I love where I live and the state that is big, beautiful called Maine is my home. No secrets kept. Where I grew up and raised my four kids is an open book. This blog post series hopefully serves as a travel guide for Maine vacations, maybe more. Get to Maine as often as you can. That’s how you get to know her best. Spend time here.

Maine is known for her vast wide open farming operations, her immense wooded lumbering tracks that cover 91 percent of the land mass.

No one can forget the Maine rugged, rocky bound coastlines and her lighthouse collection. All these lakes, ponds, twisting and winding rivers. All that tasty seafood from the deep along the islands and harbor towns that put Maine on the map. Sample some. Visit the Old Port section, the only a handful of cities that offer more urban settings. To contrast her mostly rural ones in this great state of Maine. Stay tuned for more on living, getting around Maine easier. With an insider tip or two, with advice and posts from a native of Maine who likes to blog about life here. I promise to share the tourist information  the publications don’t have space for and leave out that is critical for the deepest experience. To set your realistic expectations about your next visit to whatever region of Maine beyond the popular tourist trap haunts.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker

207.532.6573 | |  

MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730 USA