Maine is one big state and when you live here, it is like a multi faceted dream come true.
Because you get to sample lots of very distinct areas. All friendly people but the closer to the southern border of the state you get, a little more traffic happens. The cost of living goes up.
It is more accessible, there are more rules to herd the population that treks there to sample it and those who live, mingle with the tourists. Depend on them for a living. Sharing what they love and

others seek. When you live here it is not just one week’s inoculation until the next year’s booster is administered.
You get to enjoy Maine year round, it is like Christmas all twelve calendar months.
Some tourist traps that you want to fall into at least once a year. Bar Harbor, Old Orchard, are so different than a visit to the same ocean but a different part of it say in Lubec, Eastport Maine Downeast.
Like a buffet that you wished you started at the other end before your plate weighted down. Head North. Go deeper inside Maine, near her center, the soul.
And Maine has those other remote areas accessed by hoofing it, only by a high clearance jeep or on horse back. Giddy up.
That no one but you gravitate to and the in between gray areas off the beaten path. That depending on the day, the time and budget you have to spend get visited.
That are not so easy to travel to without thinking about the return trip pretty much about the time you land there. The longer distances help insulate, not isolate is how I prefer to look at it.
Some folks chase Maine lighthouses.

There are over five dozen of them to round up and revisit when seasons change for a whole new take away experience. Others traveling to Vacationland just want to see a Maine moose! Hear a lake loon cry or sing depending on the day or night. Want a big slab slice of Maine blueberry pie or to slice into a steaming Maine potato. To crack into a dark green turn bright red lobster or a bucket of whole clams wearing their shell.
Add some fixin’s that are not probably the healthiest. But you gotta have a little fun in this short life on Earth right?
Spent a few days in Wells Beach Maine and snapped a couple images to share in the Me In Maine blog post.
When a family picks an area of Maine to build their photo album it because tradition that others in the next generation continue.
I am happy to be introduced to Congdon’s Donuts, to share with the kids just waking up that just hopped out of the grease. Onto the cooling grills. Or to sample whole friend clams from Jakes Seafood, and more clams, the steamer kind from the Fisherman’s Catch.

And the ocean front. Staying at N’er Beach in Wells Beach Maine last year. And right on the beach this year.
The vacation home in Maine rented for a week loaded with lots of expressions about being at the beach. Reminding you to relax. That the beach, the ocean fixes everything.
Reading material in the bathroom, on end tables, night stands and wall hanging about how to tap into the power of beach life. Knowing to forget about the concept of time. To get up, rise and shine and get out on the beach. To walk it and study the many different styles of beach front, waterfront property shanties and castles.

Open porches are a must anywhere you live in Maine.
Communication still done without a glowing screen device casting an eerie glow on the user’s face.
Some have hammocks on them or an array of brightly colored rockers. Second and third floor balconies and public way access strips so folks on the other side of the Atlantic Avenues.
And other nautical or old salt air sea sounding locations can drag a lawn chair, an umbrella and cooler on wheels, a good book to tap into the healing power.
To set up the colored buckets and shovels for the kids to start sand construction.
As the tide makes the waves aggressive or causes them to retreat. And wipes out the handiwork, the foot prints in the sand, with sea weeds, the shells, sea glass and other finds.

Para sailing boards, sea kayaks, jet skis and boats ply by and swimmers laugh, bob and get massaged by the wave sets. The smell of the ocean, the return to a visit with an old friend.
It changes the channel from the hike up Mount K, the trip to the Allagash Wilderness Waterway to fish. Or the wood’s camp visit on leased paper company land in T this, R that.
No Wally World or Mickey Dee’s corporate office scoping out these locations on the Maine turf. No Fun Town, Splash Town rides and slides in this GPS coordinate.
Maine is not one monotone speed in the rattle and hum.

It comes at different price levels. you can mix and match and write the rules of relaxation that fit your pace to a “t”.
The best one is camping and grilling food at a state park. no money shelled out can improve the taste of a Maine vacation. Sleeping under the stars, listening to crickets. And unplugging to recharge. Wells Beach Maine is one of the many venues for those needing rest and relaxation. For the unplug to recharge all of us need called Vacation.
Maine, you getting low on your supply of it? Don’t stay away so long, she tugs at your heart strings and misses you just as much as the other way around. The signal goes both ways. All I know is I am very fortunate and know it to live in Maine, the way life should be. It is not this neat in many places and locals, vacationing transplants too know how lucky they are to travel to Maine, the largest of the New England states.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | | MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730 USA