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The Real Maine. Not Just The Tip Of Southern Maine.
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The Real Maine. Not Just The Tip Of Southern Maine.
Sailing a boat in Maine capturing the prevailing winds using one or a series of multi shaped and sized sails. It’s one more method to travel using the waterways of
Back in an earlier life as a Bangor Maine broadcast news director, I interviewed Eaton Tarbell, a patron of the performing arts. He designed lots of buildings around the state.
When you live in Maine, sampling the Canadian provinces are low hanging fruit. Handy, so sweet of a connection to our families and traditional vacations is our Canadian neighbor because
Mention the word “Maine”, and here come the seacoast towns and beach regions that cause much of the audience excitement. But ask for the show of hands to figure out
The place in Maine on the water, whether it is a river camp, a woods cabin on a stream or a lake vacation home. Opening it up is a tradition.
Hello, I’m Andy Mooers and grew up on this Maine family farm. I own and still enjoy this spread during off hours from my full time passion and jealous master listing, marketing, selling Maine real estate