Maine blog posts don’t need a sea of words to relay worthwhile information.
In fact, images of Maine, videos of local Maine events can do the heavy lifting. Both easily relay what is it like living in Vacationland. Here are some images of Maine that I think do a pretty good job relaying the day to day experience. To transport you to Maine and to get a small taste of what is it like living here full time. Maine four season living offers lots of eye candy to share if you carry a camera and leave the safety off to bag and tag the imagery.

And videos on living in Maine. Show and tell, sample the local small town flavor. Visit with locals, be at Maine small town events.
Don’t those work best for the show and tell of the flavor of living in Maine? Roll the Maine video.
Better throw in a few Maine community videos into the media mix while we are building the newest blog post entry today.
Thank you for stopping by loyal Maine blog post follower.

Past blog posts that might be useful today. Please send us a line, hit us up on social media circles you frequent so we can connect.
Ask lots of questions because everyone benefits from those. Many out in the audience are thinking the same thing.
We all need some information on the Maine topic that sharing with others produces. Please and thank you. Chime in. Be part of the Maine discussion using our Me In Maine blog channel.
Maine is small town living, a handful of cities.
She is one big and beautiful sixteen counties to explore and return to through out your lifetime. Maine is lots more than the four color tourist vacation brochures show case.
What do you like best about the state of Maine? Always looking for Maine blog post topics to mine and develop to keep it fresh and helpful. Hope this Maine photo and video highlight adds to the hunt and peck media stream we put online for blog posts.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North ST Houlton ME 04730 USA