Maine, what’s the big attraction?
For many it is a lot of little things. But always, a major part of the pull to Maine is the friendly nature of the small communities that dot Vacationland
Lots of space, plenty of fresh air, clean water and drop dead gorgeous Maine scenery.
But it is more than the elbow room and hard working family oriented folks that call Maine home.

The location wedged up into Canada adds a two nation vacation aspect to those who discover Maine. The state of Maine can boast 3,478 miles of rocky, sandy, scenic coastline. That weighs in more than California and if you add in the islands, the shoreline tally jumps to over 5,000 miles of land bordering water. Water fixes everything remember?
And lakes, think there is enough waterfront to enjoy with 2677 lakes or pond in Maine? An extra 222 lakes or ponds without names are on that list too if you add them in to the tally. There are also another 1022 too small lakes that were catch and released, thrown back in small fry.
But there is more than the blue green of the water and heavily forested lush landscape of Maine to grab your attention on Vacation here. Hiking up Mount Katahdin or a slew of other trails. Ski Sugarloaf USA or Sunday River or one of the smaller low cost family friendly peaks.

Biking around a Maine island that a ferry delivers you to or sitting down at a snow sled club or grange hall type public supper to get close to the locals breaking bread. That is the best way to go to a deeper level with the Maine natives. That often leads to more than vacation visits but a permanent relocation to Maine when the timing is right to head north. And leave the city crowds, the urban hustle and bustle, shuck and jive behind in the rear view mirror as you head up I-95.
Low cost properties help remove the sting of a move to Maine too.
No mortgage and being free and clear is a better feeling than saddled with debt. You can enjoy living more, avoiding the race through life if you don’t have to hold down three jobs to barely cover expenses. To keep the wolf from your door. You don’t need to make a lot of money to live in Maine because the outdoor recreation does not come with a high price tag to sample. And people help in the DIY, pitching in to help with house hold projects, splitting winter heating wood. Everything is community minded and the folks are intimately connected. It is home grown not store bought and more involved. The kids have work ethic, everything is not handed to them and there is less entitlement in Maine small town living.

No traffic, less people. Camping is big too in Maine and the wildlife, the back drop of Mother Nature is more than enough to make it memorable. Check out the Maine communities. Find a section of Maine beach to dig your toes in. Bring your fishing rod, strap on a bike to your rear trailer hitch receiver. Pack the picnic basket. Don’t forget your swim wear.
So it starts with an innocent vacation to Maine and mushroom clouds or snow balls from there for most people.
Maine is the way life should be. Everyone who visits or relocates, moves to Maine has different connections. Some remember being a kid and visiting a grandparent’s farm. Their parents grew up in Maine but had to seek employment outside the state after a war ended or a poor farming or timber year forced the shuffle of feet.
Renting a lake camp in Maine for a long weekend. Picking one spot to come back to or exploring to find your favorite nook and cranny. Relax, you have a life time to get to know Maine better. Are you looking for your next mailing address and considering Maine?
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North ST Houlton ME 04730 USA