Maine Outdoor Weather Happens
You Go In For An Ice Tea, The Maine Weather, Seasons Suddenly Change By The Time You Get Back.

Something new and different, to shake it up is what weather in Maine is all about. Hey.

Never boring, not ho hum dreary. The cobalt blue cloudless skies with sunshine on your shoulder as you hike up the mountain trail, or snow ski down the other side is part of Maine weather. The weather can “turn yourself all about” as it changes quickly. Back and forth on the same day, overnight.

Finding yourself roughing it. Settled into a fall weather woods camp relaxed mood. With a crackling fire, gas lights, sparse furniture, no neighbors. Except the wildlife that occasional saunter by outside the hand peeled, crevice chinked log walls. With rain on the tin roof to put you to sleep. Or part of the background pitter patter as you prepare a joint hunting party produced supper. With local bounty harvest foods grown close to home part of the simmering stew. As card games are played, jokes are shared. The rain double clutching, changing speeds from heavy to barely audible, then to silent, in park gear. As you read a book. Write in a journal. Drift off to sleep. Think about loved ones, home.

Or floating your boat, kayak, canoe out on a lake in Maine.

The wind comes up and things go south fast. Being out to sea with the main land, islands no longer in sight. Big waves, deep inside scary fear building as your gut feeling shouts out “this is not good”. Could be the end. Reruns of the Perfect Storm and Titanic playing endless loops with deafening volume between your ears. Weather in Maine is to be respected. To be lost any where on land or out on the open water in Maine could mean someone will perish. If left in the elements exposed too long if temperatures lose red, go lower in the glass tube.

Some trick or trick Halloweens it can be balmy bag filling. For the trick or treat bell ringing too warm dressed in costumes to scare. Or a tad nippy on the “wicked good” door to door sugar high neighborhood canvas.

On the cable or TV news when Mainer’s watch someplace like Washington DC get a few inches of snow and go into a tail spin, it seems like over reaction.

Like a knee jerk reaction where you put the boot in your own forehead. But those areas don’t have experience with plowing snow. Lack the removal equipment. Folks not use to snow driving. Roadways jammed, loaded up with a slew of cars, motorists to maneuver around. And the municipalities end up putting garbage trucks, city vehicles pickup snow plows tacked on the front to battle snow fall. Grocery stores get overrun and shelves quickly go bare. Life comes to a stand still in areas not black belt accustom to the new snow experience.

Driving in snow is an art but you’ll find Maine roads remarkably well cleared of white stuff.

We take snow accumulations, what a good ripping northeaster delivers in the front yard all in stride.

Less people to avoid head on collisions, rear ending, t-boning into the side of whatever they are driving on the roads in Maine. And there is a neat homey feeling when you let it snow (times three) and you are in a rocker sipping something hot. In front of a cheery woodstove safe and sound. To ride it out. And thing about the pleasure the new blanket of white fluffy snow creates for the next day. As you thumb through the latest edition of the Maine snow sled magazine.

So when someone asks you what about Maine weather, remember we have no polar bears. That’s Artic Circle talk. Does not apply here and winter is one of the favorite seasons. Because we’re still outdoors cross and down hill skiing, playing pond ice hockey, fishing the lakes opened up with a Jiffy ice auger. The fresh air, friendly people, slower pace is quality of life. Awareness of the great outdoors around us and how lucky we are to be alive. To live in Maine.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker