Maine's Woods Are Wildlife Infested, The Maine Lakes Fish Filled Ready For Sporting Fun!
Can't A Maine Moose Take A Bath In Private? Geeesh!

With Maine 91 percent wooded, if you were a white tail deer, a black bear, moose, game bird wouldn’t you want to live here?

Maine wildlife talk, words gets around. Like people, animals compare notes on where to live. Maine woods are full of varied terrains in a state as big as Vacationland.

There are many pick up truck “heater hunters” that troll the thousands of miles of unorganized township roads in “T” this, “R” that. Still just as many in the group of Maine hunters who just like to get away to camp. To spend time in the woods, in a cabin with a privvy out back.

Maine hunters don’t wear orange all the time. Fisherman take off hats loaded with hand tied lures, bait at woods camp.

There are other things you do at deer, bear, moose in the Maine woods. Or when angling for fish. Casting fly fishing lines in to pools of brooks, streams, rivers in Maine. Maybe heading out on to the water of one of Maine’s many lakes, ponds.

The routine, past times at a Maine lake involve more than toting a rifle, bow and arrow, a fishing rod. To play cribbage. Deal out countless card games on rainy hunting or fishing days with the same annual returning group of sporting friends. To eat big spreads of home made food from home or whipped up by the culinary talented one in your hunting, fishing party. Twelve alarm chili, baked beans, venison. Time spent comparing notes on how each others family’s are doing in camp or in the outdoor.

Catching up on the life course of others in the Maine hunting, fishing party. How are the kids, the job, wife or girlfriend discussed. The new addition on the Maine, or out of state house. Questions about kids, cousins. And lots of remembering past Maine hunting, fishing trips to the same patch of woods being tramped again this year. This sporting season is familiar. A continuation of the last time you checked out of work and headed to the deep Maine woods. To your special place to hunt and fish in Maine.

Are there some in the Maine hunting fishing party who just come for the comradery, the fellowship, the vittles.

Bonding with a common interest in Maine hunting, fishing time at woods camp

. Or using the same Maine log cabin in the woods for snowsledding, ice fishing, variations on outdoor sports. Depending on the Maine four season under review.

Any excuse to head to Maine camp. To catch up and compare notes on how your life if going. How those you know, trust and play with in the Maine woods, on the waterways of Vacationland are doing. How the day to day back home, away from the one room Maine hunting, fishing camp with the built in home made bunks is going. Talked about with a crackling wood stove cranking out heat. Gas light.

Trips to retrieve wood or blow down trees you and the sporting buddies processed, chopped up, stacked. Treks to the outhouse privvy out back behind the Maine hunting, fishing camp with the last year’s exact week edition of Uncle Henry’s Sell Swap Trade Guide in it.

Maine has a very talented bunch in the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife group, the ME Wardens service to police, guide the hunting, fishing acticities, other sports. Moses offers Maine hunting fishing licenses are available any time day or night on line from the comfort of your home.

Maine, any excuse to spend more time in her vast outdoors, any season. Hunting and fishing in Maine are just a few of the many options you have in Vacationland.

I’m Maine Real Estate Broker Andrew Mooers, ME REALTOR
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