Fresh dragged, groomed snow sled trails carved and made smooth during the middle of the Maine winter night

And this fine next morning you, your snowmobile party can’t wait to try them out to discover new places, old haunts in Maine. Just had a local home made breakfast with plenty of talk about today’s snow sled trip. Are you in this dream? There is nothing like the pleasure of trail riding in winter in Maine. Seeing wildlife in their natural habitat. Crossing a river by a new bridge built by hard working local snow sled club member volunteers this past summer. Using a trail system kept brush free and safely marked by snowmobile enthusiasts of all ages. Who pitch in to create interesting courses, loops, to groom their section of an ITS snow sled trail that passes through their part of Maine. The support also from local businesses, with a little help from the snow sled dealers, and the state of Maine. With permit money funneled back from a portion of the snowmobiled machine in state, out of state registration fees.

Follow Me To Maine. Explore ME Riding The Snowmobile Network Trails System Of Groomed Trails!

The biggest obstacle for the success of the winter snow sled season is the white stuff.

If it is scarce, the out of town snow sledders uses radar and the grapevine to find out where the flakes are piling up to play on this coming weekend. Some snow sledders do local loops and mostly to places to eat and socialize and then back to their Maine lodge log cabin or motel room. The local Maine snow sled clubs all take turns with their winter celebrations that are ideal to visit on a snowmobile. Ever been on a poker run to collect your hand at different snow sled stops? Ice fished in Maine using your snow sled to visit the shack over the five inch hole to wet the line?

Some hard core snow sledders with more time to logged behind the handlebars join Canadian snowmobile clubs.

To gain entry to the International trail system across the Canadian border. To head up to Labrador, Quebec, New Brunswick. But Maine has 14,000 miles of snow sled trails to entertain and keep it new and different. In a state nine hours long, you can spend a lifetime plying the trails, crossing the frozen lakes, hitting the kill switch to stop and gawk. To develop the million dollar stare from a mountain top or elevated ridge section of the snow sled trail.

maine snow sledding
By George We Have The Snow Your Machine Needs! Visit Aroostook County To Snow Sled This Winter!

Bring your go pro camera, pack a smart phone with decent video and picture taking. And use that cell to stay connected with the outside world when you enter the pure white landscape of Maine. Let’s check in to find out where’s the snow in Maine trail report latest news round up.

I have three snow sleds registered with new stickers in Maine this year.

We get over 100 inches of snow annually! There is plenty of snow and it is being shaped and groomed to create perfect conditions to make your trail ride memorable. Safety first and the trails are so so well marked with signage and mapped. To make it easy getting around. No one is going get lost. Come up up to Maine!

Tips for Maine Snow Sledders New To The Winter Sport.

Stay on the trail. Unless you want a good work out digging out of a hole that only gets deeper the more you squeeze the throttle.

Respect the Maine landowner’s property you are crossing on your snow sled. There are small trees in a plantation on one side, obstacles like parked farm equipment on the other that are trail hazards. You want to visit Maine and stay outdoors not hit the emergency room right? Don’t go home with a neck brace, a cask or worse in a casket. Stay on the right on trails and don’t shut down the machine on a blind curve. That’s a recipe for disaster and getting hit. Don’t over drive your lights at nights. You may have carbide steel ski runners, lots of titanium picks on your spinning track but high speed means longer distance needed on the trail to stop.

maine snow sleds, ski doos
Remember These 8 or 10 horse power Ski Doo’s? Narrow to fit the trails that did not exist. Leaning into corners, bogie wheels and no frills snow sledding. Where you tinker for two hours to ride for one. Kids learned about mechanics.

Look for local newspaper advertisements about public suppers.

Study bulletin boards and social media portals from the snow sled clubs. These local feasts are low cost, home made by the best chefs in the land. Someone like your grandmother that cook you and I under the table.

Enjoy home style baked bean crock pots, the sliced just so coleslaw, potato salad, ham or turkey or roast beef, the corn bread, the pies. Well what we are trying to say is get one heck of a feed. While at the same time breaking the bread with the locals.

Learn more about the areas you are snow sledding in Maine from the folks who live here. Not just a brief conversation with a hotel front desk clerk, the gas station attendant or local waitress. Become part of the local fabric of Maine by eating with the locals at a public supper or weekend breakfast that’s raises money for the snow sled club to benefit the trails. Or that is a fund raiser for someone locally suffering with cancer treatments, battling recovery after losing everything in a house fire, some other personal disaster. Mainer’s help each other out.

Public Suppers

Any season Vacationland is worth your time to visit.

But during winter especially the locals are even  more friendly and extremely glad to see you. They open up to share their communities if you like to play in the snow flakes like we all do. Come meet the down to Earth people who will share with you where the best trail rides are. Custom made suggestions considering the age of your party and your particular interests. Maybe it is to see a Maine moose, other furry creatures who live in the woods, around the lake, rivers, streams. Or to park by a roaring water falls and learn about the local history of lumbering when they used the waterways to move the logs to the mill downstream. And steam engine Lombard forestry machines before the gas and diesel modern machines took over the woods operations with grapple hooks and skidders doing the tree yarding when someone hollered “TIMMmmmmber.”

snow sled map directions
We Should Take This Route Over By Bible Point When President Teddy Roosevelt Started His Vacation Day Hunting / Fishing In Maine. See? It’s Right (Squinting) There On The Trail Map.

Make sure your vacation on snow sleds in Maine is unforgettable.

Try new areas you have not visited before and experience more to add to the vacation collection. Visit up in the St John River Valley where there are two sets of trails, just like the North and South bound of the Intertstate 95! Make snowmobiling a healthy habit for your family and friends. When you need to take a much needed vacation during the winter months. Don’t just think of summer at the Maine coast only. Or a trip to hunt and fish or hike and bike in the fall only. Snow lubricates the machines and helps you glide up and over hill and dale. The white new fresh blanket makes Maine truly a winter wonderland. Everything is sugar coated and sparkling under the gaining strength sunshine of longer days. For those under the moonlight night sled trail rides.

Hasn’t it been too long since you spent time in Maine? Hold everything. Plan the trip, make the call, google Maine snow sledding options because the coast is clear. We have plenty of snow to open up all parts of Maine to you and your party on the fun to ride machines.

Rent Snow Sleds From Northern Outdoors! But You’ll Want To Buy Your Own After Catching The Snow Sledding Fever.

Low cost, high scenery, fresh air, sunshine, wide groomed safe marked trails and all kinds of local cuisine. That’s what waiting for you now in Maine!

Break up your winter running the channel changer and snacking too much. Get off that couch. Shake it up. If you do snow sled in Maine it is preaching to the choir. But if it is something new you have not considered, catch the sled head bug. Once you do, the entire family will be right with you on the snow sled trails in Maine. Here are some images of Maine snowmobiling to motivate you to get that winter clothing just hanging in the closet assembled for your next trip north. Catch the fever for new snow. It’s in the air in Maine.

There is no reason to be chilly and the new snow machines have thumb warmers, heated handlebars, radiation under your feet. Strap on your snowmobile helmet, pull on the snow sled moon boots, zip up your action hero looking suit. It’s time to turn the key or pull the cord to begin your snowmobile adventure in the vast state of Maine. Bring your own machines or rent them in Maine. Hear from those who use the snowmobile trails! Tap the video for Maine snowmobile riding. Maine winter snow sled riding, take a trip where cars, truck and man don’t go much or at all.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker

207.532.6573 |  | 

MOOERS REALTY 69 North ST Houlton ME 04730 USA