Ever get tired of the spin, the manipulation and insincerity of the intense marketing that swirls around us? Pull the plug, get to Maine.
It is not land before time or dinosaurs roaming the landscape in Maine. But money to fuel all that hype, the propaganda a growing level of distrust. When it is missing, other miracles happen.

In small rural living Maine towns, the rip open up the wallet every time you turn around is replaced with unfold the community spirit in the a local resident’s heart.
There is nothing stronger than the heart of a passionate native who year after year steps up and takes on the challenge.
To do their part and contribute selflessly because there is never too much competition for that unique part in the day to day play.
Once they determine their skill set, step up and do their part. To add to the local Maine flavor in Vacationland.
The fun is outdoors in Maine. In an urban setting there is none of that space. Excitement is all around us in 91% wooded Maine dotted with clean fresh lakes, a rugged coastline of water facing east. Fast and slow moving water. Some pretty interesting terrains to hike, bike, ski or hoof.

Marketing, convincing you and I to buy this, invest in that with three easy payments, one last not so sweet larger one. Living in debt is not what true Mainer’s do.We can live without whatever is on the shopping carousel round and round she goes. We can say no thanks, not for me. But many new to Maine out to change it would say you can not, should not.
That is why an individual invested in the local turf can get their shackles up.
Cause them to raise an eyebrow when someone not from Maine suddenly decides what is needed to improve it.
If you come from an area flush with cash and used to lots of it needed to survive. Burdened by extra levels of spending in the day to day, it can feel like more of that should follow you over the big green bridge on the south end of Maine.
Leave it on the other side of the river. At your old address outside Maine.
As you enter Vacationland and leave the rest of the hustle bustle in the rear view mirror motoring hard to get away from the smells, noise, crime and expensive living in jammed in concrete jungles.
The quiet can be at first deafening in Maine. But then the subtle sounds of crickets, or the hard to miss cry of a blue jay or Maine lake loon can take it from here.

The wind vibrating through the pine needles of a large left alone wooden giant. The sound of running water. Or tapping in drops on a tin roof of a Maine wood’s hand hewn beam cabin or sitting relaxing in old farm house porch rocker or swing.
Life still requires hard work being resourceful, developing skills to stretch the dollar in Maine.
But the anxiety to fuel the unhealthy slows down in the less important areas. To make room for the ones that were shoved aside and forgotten. Or never development, no one sampled the no thank you helping. To try it, you might like it.
Why so different in the urban vs rural? Often not an option when all the space, no time robs a healthy habit to enjoy life in natural no money required ways. The just got got no no time as Burton Cummings Of The Guess Who sang lamented.
No time, and all that bombardment of how you should spend it and your pay check best can make a person feel there is no other option. Even that places like Maine only exist in movies, history.

Small town special is challenged with the economy and down sizing to centralize services in Maine but you do have to go through a little Hell to get to Heaven right?
Hunger improves the taste.
Self medication over indulging in something that’s missing for a temporary fix is expensive. And all that replaced when you move in the direction of under populated Maine. For inner joy, plenty of space and all these natural resources.
Give it a chance, keep an open mind and watch what happens to your heart strings.
As one by one they get wrapped around her fingers. And you don’t mind one little bit. As Maine’s simple living seduces, relaxes,fulfills you completely. So that unplugged, real and raw eye opening living replaces rat racing like Chicken Lickin’ or Henny Penny.
Settle in and get lost. In a place that ends the inability to hear yourself think about the important areas of your life. Get to Maine whenever you can and sample her pure, natural unspoiled beauty!
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | info@mooersrealty.com |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730