Where you live has a big bearing on how life goes, how rich it is in the right ways.

But how you live day to day  dove tails along with the geographical location. And some would argue if you don’t move around a little, how do you know how the other half of the World puts it all together? To compare notes,  glean much from other ways of living, for perspective and inspiration.

Maine, Evacuate Now.
Hitting The Trail Out Of A Crowded City. You Are (Pointing) Here. Connect The Blue Dots. Head To Maine.

Like relationships, problems in one follow you into the next if they are brought out onto the carpet. Not tackled early on in life. So everyone can benefit. And being hand stand happy is not the expectation to maintain round the clock.

Some folks would not be happy regardless of where they live for long because none of it is an inside joy, gratitude building kind.

That is stinking thinking.

Comes and goes and is not a cumulative variety. It is like a flare that is a flash and gone.

To weather storms in life, you need to have that joy down in your heart. The kind that is cup runneth over so a little set back, a major one too won’t put you into a tailspin.

The kind that is like a deep bed of coals that holds the heat when you have good blaze going inside your Maine camp woodstove or house furnace that radiates the heats your space to separate you from the outdoor cold.

Maine Social Media.
Maine Explained With Social Media Examples.

How you react to others and do you expect them to be carbon copy like yourself?

Do you really think they do stuff that irritates and annoys just to get under your skin?

For the sheer fun of turmoil you can create all by your lonesome? Letting others be who they are is one less thing to have to control.

So they can enjoy and struggle to learn and grow just like you. Kindness goes an awfully long way.

Worry less about what others think and remembering you have countless do over chances. That is a big part of the rise and shine, day is done approach to living simple in Maine. You have the space to think, to consider how’s things are going and where you want your life to lead. How to get there and how we got to this point.

Awareness, clarity and removal of lots of the artificial distractions make Maine a wonderful breeding ground of fertile surroundings to take you higher.

Maine Gardens
Maine Garden Bounty, Creating Wealth From The Fertile Soil, Farm Dirt.

Overbook schedules keep you busy but delay the mental housekeeping to gets things squared way and ship shape.

When you free up the time an urban dweller spends worried about crime or spent traveling very slowly or not at all in thick traffic, strike one. Add in the high cost of living and extra layers of debt and strike two.

And wallowing in both just lead to delay in realizing the solitude of all of that is removed. You don’t need to impress or watch, follow the herd. You create a whole different trail to trot along.

Run your own show. Make way for the roll up your sleeves, turn your head around and open your eyes. Drink it in. Get rid of nose blind. Feel alive. That happens when you cross the big green bridge on the southern tip of Maine and realize, whew, you are in Maine. The way life should be.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker

207.532.6573 | info@mooersrealty.com |

MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730