The rules of lake living in Maine are short and sweet.
Keep it simple. Lots of outdoor cooking. Family, friends, all the food home made and scrumptious. The living room is outdoors. The open deck up back waiting. Circle of rocks down front where nightly fires happen are both popular places.

So is getting in, out, over the water. To cool off. Fish for supper. To water ski or tube.
Kayaking slowly with the overhand paddle dip side to side. Itching to crack the throttle of something motorized.
Everyone does Maine lake living with their own custom built variation.
To reflect on how your life is going so far. Sunrises, sunsets and the in between on a Maine lake.
How would you fill that space of time?
Perspective happens in the sharper focus of being able to spend some time lake living in Maine.
The length of the stay is not the end all either. A weekend, an entire season or whatever fraction of time you can carve out to run away to be on a Maine lake. It’s all good.
Was at a camp on Flying Pond in Mt Vernon/Vienna Maine this past weekend. For a family reunion with perfect weather dialed in. Lots of new folks to meet of all ages, walks of life. Ate too much, laughed a lot, collected some photo glimpses to share of what I already knew.

Maine lake living is therapeutic.
Cures what ails you. Or refreshes the soul as you kick back, unplug, recharge.
Because water, the view, the lake loons, wildlife and outdoor cooking add to the take away.
The setting wearing shorts, flip flops and wild colored tourist shirts, crazy hats with fishing lures in them set the tone. Of anything goes.

Let your hair down with a few barley pops, glassed of high test grape juice.
Laugh hard.
Tell tall tales.
Add and embellish a tad to the colorful expressions and recollections to keep them sharp, vivid.
Everyone takes a turn, has a role in the audience at a Maine lake camp or home.
And adds their two cents in making, preserving the traditions. Pass them on. It takes all ages, like a church to all together create the sense of family, community.

Everyone roots for all the family members in the tribe.
With traces of the same DNA coursing through their veins.
Through the ups and down. The twists sideways that you don’t experience alone. Because with family everyone is in the ride in the connection.
Weddings, funerals, divorces, new births. Job promotions, relocations, retirements. New hairdos, medical illnesses. All that discussed at the Maine lake get together comparing notes. Catching up.
Maine lake living, long for some? I know a Maine REALTOR who can help in the property search hunt. That has more than an inkling. On what you are after.
Looking for some of that to enrich your life?Is something missing or in too short supply? Are we having any fun yet?
Waterfront properties in Maine are the most rewarding investment you could ever make bar none.

The place I was at on Flying Pond was bought by family members back in the 1970’s. A simple cedar shingle cape structure built slowly as money allowed in 1978.
With a float plane parked out front.
Lillie the five year old beagle the only security system.
And pretty much ready to chase who ever picks up, throws the green tennis ball. To retrieve panting for the let’s do it again. This is fun, exercise, for both of us.
Used as a camping, boat launch only site before the camp appeared. Lots of hammers involved in the creation process that pounded slowly, deliberately,

Maine lake real estate is a big cookie jar. The morsels are all sizes, prices, locations.
But the name of the game is get in the game.
Get off the sidelines and stop just limping along renting someone else’s paradise.
We both know what you really want to do. Need a little nudge, coaxing?
What are you waiting for in the dip your toe? Last one in, well. You know how the the ditty ends.
Think big, start small. Maine lake property listings. Can help in that quest.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker