When you are raised in a small Maine town, there is always a spot deep inside burning brightly.

Fierce pride that never fades or forgets the faces, places, all the space around the community. Small things hit your harder because life is simpler, what is important more in focus in small Maine towns.

Maine Is Small Town, Simple Living.
Lots Of Public Suppers Happen In Small Maine Towns.

It is not living without struggles to keep the local economy healthy though.

Everyone in the town makes the spark that glows inside and has more at stake in the Maine community.

Because everything in the Maine town is lasting, home grown, natural not glitzy, store bought, temporary or artificial.

When a local Maine sports team wins a town, county, state championship, the games are played up in the stands as much as out on the field, court, rink.

Maine Crime, Is Pretty Low. 4th Lowest In Nation.
Shiretown Houlton Maine, Aroostook County.

Because support comes from the area that gets behind the youth effort up through the ranks. Beyond just sports, extending like wildfire to other events where everyone steps it up a notch.

Because the whole village raises the kids in the Maine town.

Has a hand in the shaping whether family blood related to the kids or as teacher, pastor, coach, employer, neighbor that all play a role.

In a small town the freedom of having your license, that first drive into town, around the community behind the wheel with the radio on. Looking for other friends with their ticket to drive around town too. Stopping in parking lots to shoot the breeze. Flirt, brag, exchange gossip or plans for later on. Hitting the local dairy bar or driving out to a local lake in the summer. Less worry about crime, more moving around freely and independence.

Small Maine towns are all about local parades, bands, floats, holiday celebrations.

Plenty Of Food In Maine Small Towns.
Small Maine Towns, Wholesome Locally Grown Food.
Helping area farmers plant, cultivate, harvest and get their crop ready to ship to market starts early. Goes hand in hand with work ethic learned growing up.

Good wholesome food is abundant because it grows in your backyard garden. Or available low cost or through a bartered service, home made goods you trade for it.

Folks that grow food for their own table take what they need. And what’s left after canning, preserving and stocking the shelves in the pantry, the root cellar is given away.

It is a take what you need, leave the rest for others sharing attitude that drives a small Maine town population.

Growing Local Maine Potatoes.
Farmer Uncle Finley Mooers Proud Of His Spud Yield.

What else makes a small Maine town great?

In a small Maine town it is not about highly specialized and more cross trained. Keep it simple. Don’t complicate life because the clutter bogs you down, interferes with living it fully. Enjoying it to the hilt.

Maine folks are more self reliant. Strive to be self sufficient.

They’re frugal. They care about each other. Think about service for the greater good. Actively seeking what is there they should be doing. What role is best suit for their skills, abilities in the small Maine town.

Because there are less people, you are always closer to wildlife, nature, country living. The outdoors is your playground. The four season individual personal settings, destinations are respected, preserved, protected. Traditions passed down like good stewards. For the next generation to carry on the torch, the small town special Maine lifestyle.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker