
Little things, kind gestures go a long way to make the day.

Especially if you are a young child sitting, standing or dragging along a Maine potato field basket. Under the hot sun of a fall day of brilliant colors during potato harvest. Potato pickers get a major boost, shot in the arm when out of the blue, the farmer’s wife delivers an ice cold treat. Which at three oclock when the snacks are gone, wearing off, the water jug getting warm and low in reserve. It’s a welcome out of the blue sight. Mirage like but for real. As one by one the tired, dirty, rag tag motley crew of potato harvest workers reach for, get an unexpected present.

Our kids picked potatoes for Hodgdon potato farmer Kirk Wilson.

His mother was the popsicle lady. Showing up and answering the charge with afternoon delights. So did Littleton Maine potato farm owners Leslie and Greg Schools. Who on the last day of Houlton Farms Dairy Bar’s season rounded up each potato harvester and spud bin winter storage worker’s favorite flavor milk shake. Took the order, picked up, delivered to the individual worker as a treat. A thank you for your effort on the potato chain gang. We need you, appreciate you, and here’s something to remind you how important you are. A pause for the cause. The treat that refreshes. Hits the spot.

Harry Bass, long time and now long gone Maine potato farmer had a five cent bonus rule. And candy bars. For the crew that stuck it out, could be depended upon to be there when the last gun was fired. In the last row dug, picked, hauled away to the long tall dark potato bin for the winter storage. A perk, incentive to hang in there. Stick it out. Stay on board. To pick them clean. Fill those barrels. And to remember, no matter how many rows you get behind in the potato field, no one leaves at the end of the day until everyone is caught up, picked up. And reaches for the empty dinner bucket, radio, water jug, sweatshirt used as a section marker.

Looking back when you were a kid, remember busy adults but not too helter skelter to take, make the time?

To do something little that looms large inside for the rest of your life? That touched a place, filled a need and is never forgotten. Meant so much and hopefully spurred you on to do the same in your life in little ways. Whenever you could, in whatever small fashion that presents itself. Kids remember, don’t forget and learn from our actions.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker