You may have front row seats to the Celtics, Bruins, PatriotsGroup Hug. Swarming The, enjoying them with mostly total strangers in the crowd of faces.
There is a sense of communion when you walk out of Fenway, a home game with the Red Sox blanking the New York Yankees in a three game set. Feeling pretty giddy.
But a local Maine sporting high school event offers a deeper sense of connection. To the team, to the folks sitting or standing all around you at a Maine sporting contest. Cost is vastly different too. Those front row B Town tickets cost one of your kidneys. The small Maine high school gym or ice arena contest only a $3 admission fee. Your Maine home town is a source of intense pride, respect because you watched the players grow up.
You may have even coached that boy in little league, sponsored his pee wee or bantams hockey team. You know his parents, his mom’s sister is married to your first cousin. Or your hair dresser or used to be your secretary. Small town Maine living is closer, the population smaller.
The need to help each other in volunteer events, service clubs, church functions is a given. Home grown not store bought sets the stage for a deep sense of community, togetherness.
So whether it is Maine swimming meets, football or basketball orange balls you watch, follow, it creates the same roller coaster up, down, twists and turns. In ice hockey our local Blackhawks boys Maine team had a heck of a year. With a winning record and lots of Kodak moments. The team you cheer, hoot, holler for when they are winning.
The same team you watch lick their wounds, swallow their pride as the rise to glory comes to an end.
Like the Maine fair roller coast ride where it slows, the side door opens and it’s time to stagger out.
Seasons In Maine High School Sports Up And Down.To find an Italian sausage smothered in fried onions, red and green peppers to take away the pain, loss when the fun stops.
As a local Maine real estate broker, capturing that up and down of youth sports mirrors the struggles and triumphs of life those players will find themselves knee deep in. All their lives and remembering the home town rooting for them. Telling them they can do it, stay in the game, don’t lose your head. Great year Blackhawks. Good luck Brewer Witches in the State Class B Championship play offs.
Maine, our fun is low or no cost. Vacationland is in our backyard, we’re already here. Own some of ME.