Can you see yourself making a living being the host of a Maine lodge sporting camp owner with cabins rented out, home made food provided along with hunting, fishing guide services?
Fresh Maine air fills your lungs. You are in the best shape of your life. And your “job” is not a labor because sharing the Northern Maine woods, helping others “discover” it with your help is rewarding. Along with the neat people, relationships you establish and repeat folks that come to visit this special place called Umcolcus Sporting Camps.
Since 1927 the Currier family have open up cabins, the kitchen of the lodge and helped many warm up by the fire after a hunting, fishing, sporting trip. The ITS snowsled trails cross this property. Four seasons recreational business is yours…not just catering to guys and gals in blaze orange. Watch the Maine sporting camp video.
The lifestyle of being in the Northern Maine woods the new owner of a sporting camp operation with six cabins, 11 buildings total on a stream…can you see yourself in this picture. You can buy a job, be the boss, get out from behind that office desk pinning you to the wall.
Oxbow ME with under 75 folks for year round residents is just north of this unorganized township in Northern Maine.
Four season recreation options when you are off the beaten path, away from crowds, crime riddled areas happen in Northern Maine. You just have to get here, make plans to spend time in the North Maine woods to sample the rivers, lakes, streams, woods and see the wildlife up close. Live where they live for moments, traditions you make sacred, important. Because they are. It’s called your life.
I’m Maine REALTOR, Broker Andrew Mooers207.532.6573