In the Matrix, Neal is asked why, why Mr. Anderson do you do it…maybe referring to blogging on Maine, visiting Vacationland.
Why indeed. Because I chose to, am a personal fan of the state of Maine. It encourages anyone that is excited about their visits, their live in Maine to share their experiences here with a comment or two.
Maine is such a large state and the word conjures so many images in one’s head.
Rocky coast lines, protected ocean harbors, islands, fertile rolling fields of potatoes, blueberry barrens. The Maine state parks expose us to the serenity, unspoiled four season beauty, the crystal clean rivers, streams that empty in to our many 6000 lakes. But the people although fewer in number are hardy, family based, hard working, industrious.
Maine is blessed with natural resources unlike many states.
And our quality schools, frugal get your money’s worth spending philosophy serves us well in any economy. The people who live here are more resourceful. The skills each possess is wide and varied. Hands on, DIY and if it is to be it is up to me attitude. Less people means the ones here are tighter, closer. They have to work together because no on to take our place standing behind you!
Looking for a great place to raise a family, to retirement and volunteer? Think Maine.
Pick Maine. Come visit for starters if new to these parts. Follow our Me In Maine blog to learn more about what’s it like in “Vacationland”?

Maine, sample some, take a taste.
Once it gets in your system, it goes deeper, hits places inside you that come alive. Many argue they felt like they woke up from a coma and it was like twenty years long, but now are alive in Maine. The way life should be.
This Maine blog tries to hit the highlights, cover a wide range of Maine subjects, topics.
To cover the real Maine that won’t allow itself to be summed up on a brochure panel, magazine insert. The real lifestyle of Maine you pick up on by spending some time in the Pine Tree state. The one with all this coast line, sixteen counties and more wildlife than people.
Experience the flavor Maine. No matter what season, Maine awaits, stands vigil while you are here within the state borders, or outside longing to return. Get more than you expected in Maine. Maine, start your dream. Wake up in Maine.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers
207.532.6573 | info@mooersrealty.com |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730 USA