The Borderland Drive In, Outdoor Movie Theatre.
I wished my four kids had known the fun of going to the Borderland outdoor drive in movie theatre on a Maine summer evening. Our closest one to Houlton Maine
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I wished my four kids had known the fun of going to the Borderland outdoor drive in movie theatre on a Maine summer evening. Our closest one to Houlton Maine
In the Matrix, Neal is asked why, why Mr. Anderson do you do it…maybe referring to blogging on Maine, visiting Vacationland. Why indeed. Because I chose to, am a personal
Folks jammed in a small area with wall to wall people struggling with giant nose bleed high mortgages, stuck in bumper to bumper barely moving traffic….I’m talking somewhere other than
Two 50 caliber guns, in an unpressurized cabin that is cold, smells like a latrine with a War War Two B-24 bomber plane filled with other young nervous army airmen.
Everything I apply to life I learned in the Maine potato field. Sort of. Seriously, you start each morning, listening to the radio to see what time the
Hello, I’m Andy Mooers and grew up on this Maine family farm. I own and still enjoy this spread during off hours from my full time passion and jealous master listing, marketing, selling Maine real estate