Kennebunkport Maine, One Of The Coastline Jewels.
Mention the word “Maine”, and here come the seacoast towns and beach regions that cause much of the audience excitement. But ask for the show of hands to figure out
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Mention the word “Maine”, and here come the seacoast towns and beach regions that cause much of the audience excitement. But ask for the show of hands to figure out
Common sense and being forward thinking are two skills true dyed in the wool Mainers possess in great supply. Small Maine towns survive if resistance to change is removed, if
Small town pride in a Maine community swells around the tournaments for the local sports teams. The squads followed through out the regular season compete for a chance to represent
The down hill event that since 1934 has entertained families with gravity racers. Cars built to be the fastest to the bottom of local hills. To make the big trip
This is the 20th year for the Northern Maine Soap Box Derby Racing Program. Attended a planning meeting for this year’s race in June last night in Houlton Maine, the
In many areas of the country the thought of witches, warlocks, goblins of any kind climbing up on your open porch to trick or treat is not happening. Too much
Hello, I’m Andy Mooers and grew up on this Maine family farm. I own and still enjoy this spread during off hours from my full time passion and jealous master listing, marketing, selling Maine real estate