Living In A Small Maine Town, What’s It Like?
Small town living In Maine, how does it different than be surrounded by people in an impersonal city setting? There are so many differences. Ask people what they like most
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Small town living In Maine, how does it different than be surrounded by people in an impersonal city setting? There are so many differences. Ask people what they like most
The attitude of the locals, sure Maine comedians try to exaggerate the Downeast slant that at times takes a different angle on day to day life in Vacationland. Like the
Small Maine towns, which is the majority of the population centers scattered around Vacationland, all celebrate Christmas like one big family. The school bus drivers know which kids have a
Houlton Maine, located on the shared east / west International border with New Brunswick Canada. Houlton is the “Shiretown” or the county seat of Aroostook. The earliest settlers to Houlton
You climbed the corporate ladder and are coming back to the state where you were raised, Maine. This blog post is not so much for the local that left and
Life in a small Maine town. Too slow for some, just a dream never realized to others. What’s important in your life has constants. No matter where you live. But
Hello, I’m Andy Mooers and grew up on this Maine family farm. I own and still enjoy this spread during off hours from my full time passion and jealous master listing, marketing, selling Maine real estate