Maine's Beauty, Needs Jobs To Keep The Doors Open, Taxes Being Paid.
Maine’s Beauty, Needs Jobs To Keep The Doors Open, Taxes Being Paid.

During World War Two, the entire country was behind the effort to achieve peace, preserve freedom.

Rationing happened to divert the essential goods, raw materials to the war effort. One example, steel pennies happened so copper was more abundant for GI Joe’s oversea’s war theatre operations support. Same thing with rubber, petroleum products, foodstuffs. Rationing made sure priorities were in the right order during the do or die. Sink or swim. Victory gardens. News reels splashing on the lead in silver screen movie production too. As the red or black velvet curtain opened slowly. For a show but not before a black and white reminder of bigger picture war going on in the background of daily life.

In our local Maine economy, as belt tightening and change in spending patterns take place to assure survival of the special small town way of life. It is not just about lowering property taxes. Or holding the line from last year. That is like applying a band aid to a gunshot wound. For something more serious going on inside the patient. Who looks like heck. Is bleeding internally, hemorrhaging. Just inviting a dreaded visit from the grim reaper.

Falling behind in supporting, guaranteeing the all important economic income trail to provide steady, varied jobs is the bigger worry.

Larger than life and twice as frightening than just lowering, or holding the line on one year’s property tax bill. Creating wealth, bringing in new dollars and not just recycling local ones at say another fast food outlet is not the foundation for long term financial health of a small Maine town.

Embracing, deep appreciation for existing employers of all sizes is so important in a Maine small town. An attitude, positive approach to aggressively do everything in your power to preserve businesses already set up and running is key. Not just chasing, courting and sparking with a new job creator. And forgetting the horse already in the barn that is an economic engine key to the survival of a small Maine town economy.

Tax incentives, retraining programs for changes in markets for what the employer produces.

For the service provided all recognize, are sensitive to the bottom line of the small Maine business. Over regulation, layers of new, highly restrictive legislation don’t help the small Maine business keep its doors open. The local paychecks being produced and put back into the economy of a Maine town.

Or to indirectly help the county and state government that depends on taxation dollars to fund, provide essential services. Being slow to respond to a small Maine town business’s needs or just not jump up and down concerned means an existing business will close its door. To relocate to a place where they are appreciated.

It’s like dating, relationships.

Not appreciated, not understood or able to work together for the common good of the partnership means move on. Had enough. Surrounded by an economic climate more favorable and sensitive to the needs of the small business providing all essential local jobs needed. Like the simple logic of no farmers, no food, the same dead serious reality of no employers, no jobs. And last guy or gal forced to leave the Maine town like it or not, make sure to turn off the lights on the way out would ya please?

As government grows larger, as it becomes the only game in town for employment, the tax dollars generated to keep it afloat will dry up if small Maine businesses are neglected too long.

Taxes raised to directly benefit small Maine businesses to maintain current jobs and add new employment should be priority one in Vacationland.

Removal of obstacles in suffocating regulations, red tape and delays to be quick on its feet should be the goal of the Maine citzenry. The hope and desire of every tax payer in Maine. With no room allowed for apathy or distraction. And media education on economic development 101 geared for today. For a rural state like Maine. A small sparsely populated drop dead gorgeous state. That’s parked pretty far up the pike which means added transportation costs, and winter heating expenses.

To add pressure on top of everything else staring down the double barrel of increasing obligations for a small Maine town employer.

In a state that gets poor marks. Known to be expensive, not so business friendly for any entity desperately trying to keep it’s head above water to create badly needed jobs. So future generations don’t move away as the only option. Can be gainfully employed. Raise families, serve on local boards and be involved. To stay in Maine full time. Not just visit on a week’s vacation like many do. To contribute to the unique nature, special flavor of one of Maine’s 108 small towns.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker