My real job is to list, market, sell Maine real estate. But in the process of doing blogs, videos, advertising efforts for real estate, making community videos also becomes part of the process to put the spotlight on in my case, Houlton Maine. Video can be a mix of stills like maps, graphics and say summer pictures of a property listed in the winter to forego a second video being needed. Today there is still snow on the ground, March 28th so any videos in the next two weeks rather than delay production will use stills from a time
without snow, with green grass and flowers hopefully if we can scan and weave them into the video for each property we do.
We also do not just show the property building only, but the road in, the area. We want to capture the birds singing, the loons, the wind in the pines. Hit all the senses..we have five, not just eye sight to take it all in or experience with. And lastly, unlike many areas where all a broker does is sell homes, homes, homes, in Maine our office sells land, waterfront, farms, businesses and basically the area too with community video. Here’s a 100 acres and Maine cabin video over 3000 sets of eyeballs have scanned and that you can consider if you want to be off the beaten path! It’s asking price $79,900.