Get calls from Maine real estate buyers who need to invest in property someplace else that where they now live.

welcome to maine
Maine, The Way Life Should Be. One Big State, Lots Of Special Hidden Areas To Discover.

Some are looking for a vacation home location and Maine scores top of the list.

Moving to Maine.

Others just know they can not stay where they live now. Either to raise a family, run a business, to retire and enjoy the Golden Years as best they can.

Had a lady from Texas as a recent example who dreams of moving to Maine.

working farm in maine
Getting Out Of The Maine Real Estate Office, Not Pinned To The Wall By A Desk. Lucky To Live In Maine Is How I Feel Every Day!

Her husband works for the phone company, she has MS and is from Maine.

Does not need a prepping on what it is like living in Maine.

The couple bought a house for around $150,000 years ago near Houston Texas that is now worth three times that figure.

“It’s too hot and burning up” is a remark I hear a lot these days and those exact words she shared with me on the phone today.

This lady says you know it is time to move when you come out of a big box store and your jeep is parked next to a Lamborghini on one side, a Maserati on the other.

There’s one of the signs. This couple in their early 60’s are looking to sell out and move away to get to Maine.

It’s not just the cost of living outside rural Maine that is nose bleed high pushing the pack up push back to relocate to “Vacationland”.

Maine is drop dead naturally gorgeous and a four season stunner.

The simple small town way of living in rural Maine is the hook, the carrot.

The communities, the people who live in small town Maine are the best. You wake up and wonder who plowed your driveway and have no idea. A casserole shows up with a hand written note “I know you are going through a tough time in your life and hope you like this covered dish at meal time.”.

Or “heard your mom had fallen and hope she is doing okay” is also on the same note.

In large over populated rush rush hurry scurry areas, kind gestures don’t happen like that. In small town rural Maine they do all the time.

Smaller group of people, friendly happens. More intimate, personal and friendly. Less crime, no traffic and lower cost of living kicks in living in rural Maine. High price of fuel oil or gas, no problem. Heat with renewable resource wood and warm as toast.

maine outdoor community bands
Live Music, A Maine Community Band Supplies It Weekly For Free. That’s Maine.

Next year’s heating supply of wood is all cut, stacked, stored away. Mainers are more organized and well prepared. The root cellar in the home basement has canned fruits and vegetables. The chest freezer gets pulled from over the winter months.

A garden is a source of joy and tasty food your planted on your knees and kept weeded, watered, tended.

Sometimes searching online comes up with very little Chamber of Commerce type information blurbs.

maine lake living
Hard To Stay Indoors For Long Living In Maine.

No chamber, low population and just not a lot to browse and consider in typical small rural Maine towns.

Or other times, lots of write up on many websites created that just miss the mark. What should happen is testimonials on why do you live in Maine? What makes you some kind of glad everyday you live in Maine? What is life like and what do you do for fun?

One website I stumbled upon tries to pick a region of Maine and showcase a “day in the life” there.

The hour by hour break down would not attract anyone to come to Maine let alone stay here. The same format write up but find a different local coffee shop, insert it.

maine vacations on the waterfront
Life Is A Maine Beach. Salt Water, Fresh Air, A Summer Breeze At A Maine Beach.

Highlight the mill the local Maine native works at and mention how during break they take a walk to enjoy the outdoor location. That’s it. No images, no narrative written by the local native… just how someone outside Maine would describe what life is like. About as exciting as watching paint dry. It is obvious who threw together the copy does not feel grateful they live in Maine.

soap box derby racing houlton me
We Have A Green Light On Derby Hill! Heat 109, Drivers Ready…? Check Your Brakes.

I hope the images, the video embeds and what is blogged about on Me In Maine is worthwhile and transparent.

Living here, raising a family in Maine and enjoying four seasons of so much natural beauty is part of what pulls at a person’s heartstrings.

But the community spirit, the local population that steps up to help out and shares the same lucky to live in Maine attitude.

So many people in this World want to run far away to hide out somewhere, anywhere. Moving to Maine. Itching to run away and doing your home work on just where?

Maine, are you looking for small town friendly and real, wholesome, healthy?

June 22nd, 2024 is the Maine State Soap Box Derby race date in my small town of Houlton Maine.

boy with the leaking boot solar eclipse
Houlton Maine, Everyone Is Excited About The Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024!

If you know of a boy or girl in Maine, anywhere around the state who wants to race in the soap box derby, please reach out.

Every young driver should not have to wait until they are sixteen to get behind the wheel of a car. Learn the “thrill of the hill” happens at Community Park in Aroostook County’s oldest town each June.

The winner goes on to represent the state at the big All American Soap Box Derby Race out west in Akron Ohio.

Need to send them a race application for the big state of Maine race on Derby Hill in Houlton Maine.

Also, the count down has started. Ready for the big total solar eclipse in Maine? Here to help with logistics if you are heading North to experience it in Northern Maine, Aroostook County!

April 8th, 2024. Circle it several times in red magic marker please and thank you.

Sorry, you snooze and lose. It will be a lotta years before the next one in Maine. There is no rain date for the total solar eclipse in Houlton Maine 2024, the last location in the USA to experience “Totality.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker

207.532.6573  |  

MOOERS REALTY 69 North ST Houlton ME 04730 USA