Farmers Markets in Maine, locally sourced home grown food is a beautiful thing!

Farm to table is nothing new to Maine communities. Home grown garden and farm field food is one of the perks to living in an area with lots of fertile land soil. Vendors that set up displays at local Maine farmer’s markets are not just veggies or produce either. Expect to see everything from cut fresh flowers in floral display, home made arts and crafts, baked goods, oils and home remedies of all types too. Cheeses, poultry and dairy product items too are common at local farmers markets in Maine.

amish farmers market maine
Maine Amish Families Help The Varied Selection Of Local Farmers Market Offerings.

Maine has a lot of Amish settlements and these local farm groups make sure the trip to the weekly farmer’s market worth your while.

Kids, older adults and everyone in between age wise host the farmer’s market tables. In the Houlton Maine area, the Community Farmer’s Market event venue is beautiful historic Market Square.

Here’s a local community farmers market in Maine video from Aroostook County put together from last Saturday.

Do you grow a garden or live on a full time, maybe a hobby farm in Maine?

Lots of the requests for Maine real estate are buyers on the hunt for something with land. The more Maine land the better and if it is not a cut over woodlot and has open pasture fields, all the better. Cultivating soil that is ready to work means more time to spend at the local farmers market in Maine location.

Clearing a woodlot to create a Maine farm pasture field is a lot of work.

maine pasture field
Maine Farm Pasture Field Of Red, White Clover And Wild Flowers.

But unless the present Maine land owner has kept the ground in cultivation or hays or bush hogs the property, trees happen. Young brush, vegetation and trees pop up quickly. Fallow worn out land in Maine is not so quickly forested. To farm it means putting back the soil amendments to make the Maine agricultural land productive. Like to own some land in Maine?

Being a good steward of the Maine farm land is key.

To maintaining top production land value and to reduce erosion and anything that hurts the quality of the farming operation. Giving your land in Maine to the next generation of loved ones in better shape, or at least as good as you received it. It is a sacred responsibility for Maine farmers no matter what size of operation they til, tend, weed, water and feed after spring planting.

Agriculture, farming in Maine can mean crops, critters and it is not always just meat and potatoes simple.

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Farmer’s Market, Local Community Agriculture Served Up Farm To Table.

Strawberry patches, blueberries that are wild or cultivated along with fresh farm corn, cukes, carrots, squash, onions, lettuce, beans, peas if you please. As the season progresses, the selection of what’s offered up at the Maine farmer’s market increase in variety.

Farmers markets in Maine expand and contract depending on the weather and where you and I are on the calendar.

Canned preserves, dried fruits, pickled vegetables and anything else destined for the root cellar is fair game to peddle at the farmer’s market in Maine.

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Farmer’s Market Fresh Flowers. More Than Just Fruits, Vegetables, Baked Goods.
farmers market houlton me
Community Market Farmers Market In Houlton Maine.

The bounty from the harvest of the Maine agricultural farm setting. Leaf lettuce, radishes, fresh garlic, scallions, a slew of vegetable and fruit offerings await at your local farmstead manned by family, friends, your local neighbors. There is so much sense of community doing business at a local farmer’s market in Maine venue.

Early on, dry beans, product from last growing season canned and pickled may be what’s for sale early on at the local community farmer’s market.

But as the stronger sunshine overhead works it magic with time, seed, water and fertilizer, more local produce, fruits and vegetables combine with the fresh eggs, baked goods and other items.

farmers market in maine
What’s For Sale At The Local Maine Farmer’s Market? New Vendors, New Offerings Each Week To Check Out.

Each week, lots of bartering and farmer market exchanges happen within the vendor community too.

Like one farmer’s market vendor in the Maine community video says, he issues lots of personal IOU’s. Has never been burnt or come up short in payment. That’s shows you the quality of the local Maine people who shop the farmer’s market. Or that he is a pretty good judge of character.

More on the area of Houlton Maine where this local community farmers market event happens each and every weekend in Market Square. What’s it like living in Aroostook County, Maine? Here’s a blog post on picking potatoes in Maine.

farmers market maine
More Than Peas And Carrots And Ears Of Farm Fresh Corn. Lots To Check Out At Maine Farmer’s Markets.

Thank you for following our Me In Maine blog posts.

Hope you get a sense of what living in Maine is all about from the entries. Sure am glad I live, work and play in Maine and try to share that simple way of life that happens here day and night. This blog post on Maine farmer’s markets is an easy one requiring less hunt and peck wordage. Images can say a thousand words. The video takes you to the local community farmers market in Maine event.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker

207.532.6573 |  | 

MOOERS REALTY 69 North ST Houlton ME 04730 USA