Trip Downeast Maine to list saltwater property on the coast.
Maine is one big state and a very popular destination in Vacationland is any coastal region. But when you say you are going up to the Maine coast, where exactly you are referring is not so obvious. Oh sure, this Maine blog post website has one by one exposed different nooks and crannies of the popular coastal tourist haunts. But the further up into Maine you go, the more personal and special the take away experience becomes.
We all seek out our own comfortable corner of Maine.

This blog post highlights a trip down to Washington County, the Bold Coast section of Downeast Maine.
If you follow our blog about Maine, you may remember one post about where exactly is Downeast Maine?
Maine has 228 miles of coastline at first glance.
But wait a minute, when you include all the islands dotting that coast and wind in and out of all those inlets and outlets, get out the pencil eraser. Check your math!
Do some more ciphering. Put some white out on that last figure and insert a much higher number.
Vacationland boasts 3,478 miles of Maine coastline. Topping California’s 3,427.
Let all those islands into the add it up tally time and whoa. More than 5,000 miles of rock bound Maine coastline. You would think that means lots of saltwater coastal properties for sale in Maine. Nope.
This week, loaded up the Jeep with 24 gauge metal real estate signs, had a property listing assignment to GPS along the Maine coast.
The Bold Coast… a little further up in the tippy top of all that water then gets much of the press ink.
Zone A in purple on the maritime map with all the Maine lobster trap markers below.

The real estate mission this week was listing a saltwater property listing in Maine.
The address 109 Little Machias RD, Cutler ME. The original owner bought the 2.6 acres of land with 235′ on Little Machias Bay in Washington County. Hired Katahdin Forest Products (Now renamed Katahdin Cedar Log Homes) to build a cedar log vacation home on the Maine coast. We are selling this Maine coastal property for the nephew who is moving in a new location further from great state of Maine.

Just a simple cathedral ceiling getaway hidden from view, with a long driveway and an open porch to use sitting and thinking. The owner a Vietnam vet that needed space, salt air and the sounds of the Maine seacoast. He built a Katahdin log home to enjoy the Maine coastal setting.
With a lot of properties, if you are lucky you can say you see the Maine ocean in a limited location on it.
Or brag to your friends that you are close to the Maine coast. But not so many Maine coastal property listings actually border the coastline. This one does and is front row, best seats in the Downeast inventory of coastal real estate. Sadly, not enough saltwater property or waterfront listings for that matter in this crazy busy Maine real estate market.

Everyone wants to own a piece of ME.
Waterfront is top on the list for today’s real estate buyer’s wish list. Especially if you are connected to high speed Internet service to stay in touch and telecommute to work remotely online. Check out this Maine coastal property just listed for sale video.
You see piles of lobster traps racked and stacked. Blueberry barrens, more rock outcroppings, different terrains and ocean views. Lobster boats parked on stands in yard or moored in Maine coastal harbor settings. Everything revolves around coastal life on the Maine coast.

Heard a fire engine while wrapping up the media collection and learned from a local the next day it was a blueberry barrens controlled fire that got out of hand.
In small areas of Maine, and most areas are rural, there is a strong connection. Not much happens that isn’t passed around quickly on the local news grapevine.
Cutler Maine named after Joseph Cutler from Newburyport MA.
Back in a time that Maine was not even a state yet and part of the Bay Colony. Before Red Sox nation spread to what now is Maine. Cutler has a little over 500 friendly souls that populate this neat sheltered area of Downeast Maine. Whats to do for fun?
Check out lighthouses like West Quoddy up in Lubec Maine.

Attend the yearly Pirate Invasion in Eastport Maine. Or paddle a sea kayak out to the front of Little River Island in mouth of Cutler Harbor to see another local lighthouse with the same name.
If you know someone after a Maine saltwater property listing, here is one priced to sell.
Needs a little work, but parked on the Maine coastline. Not near it, on it. Rent it out for profit when not using. The same folks rent this little rustic home away from home each year. Same spot on the calendar like clockwork. Save a few weeks and special holiday times for yourself though otherwise you miss all the Maine coastal salt air and seashore fun.
See those towers across Little Machias Bay?

Those are for maintaining communications and listening in on submarine radio transmissions in Cutler Maine.
Low frequency radio broadcasts are the purpose of those Cutler Maine coastal towers.
This installment mixing business with pleasure. A quick trip to the coast to collect images, shoot some video, to go skyward with the real estate drone.
Thank you for following our Me In Maine blog post series.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North ST Houlton ME 04730 USA