Land in Maine has always been a low cost investment made for lots of reasons.
People need vacations and the sheer size and less population make the state of Maine shine for lots of land for little money. Camping, recreational trips up to Maine have been a past time for many out of state all four seasons.

But now, with the coronovirus pandemic hanging on and putting a kink in the hose of regular day to day living, Maine land is more popular than ever.
The get a lot for a little is part of it. Large acreages, the 40 acre tracks or more bought to use for vacations starting out was the plan. But in the back of their minds, many of the Maine land buyers eventually can see themselves homesteading. Either by choice for the simple, wholesome albeit harder lifestyle of grow your own and heat your home all done from your own Maine land investment property.
Land in Maine.
The burning desire causing the itch inside to move to Maine relocation. Sometimes the driving force is to buy Maine land done out of fear and to regroup. To distance yourself from people. More often than not the phone conversation starts with “I want to get away from people”. Or “I don’t want to see a soul.” The caller or emailer or texter makes it clear that it’s not because they are anti-social. They just want space that is not shared with a slew of other people. The reasoning is other people are the source of your problems in life.They can be a source of help and share your joy, add to your happiness. But if you don’t have a neighbor to complain about a barking dog or your target practicing at tin cans, life will go smoother. Many are burned out on people,
Let’s face it, jammed together urban living is not so healthy and very expensive. Maine small rural settings don’t have the crime, there are no gangs, zip for traffic. Plenty of wildlife, a lot less regulations to restrict your freedom down at the small town hall. The back to the land movement is something not just our Maine Amish communities are developing. Lots of multi generation buying going on with families eye balling the change of mailing addresses up in the left hand corner of their Christmas card lists.
Searching out acreage, land in Maine, the reasons people hunt it down is varied.
But underneath all is land. Low cost land in Maine comes in generous helpings of acreage. Load up like the country farm style way of serving the meal time food. Eat up. More where this came from and no good reason for anyone to leave the table still hungry and looking for a drive through. When I started listing land in Maine for sale as a young real estate broker, the acreage in forty or larger sizes were $250 or $100 an acre. Rich, fertile farm land with road frontage and power was the former priced. The cut over, had a right of way access and no many positives once the forest timber was removed and trucked to the closest mill. That kind of junk cheap Maine land was the $100 per acre priced and came with generous owner financing.

The seller knowing you could not hurt the land in Maine.
The damage was done and the skidder ruts and groves in the forest floor were filling with water and stump, limb debris scattered everywhere the eye could see. There’s an expression for this kind of cut over wood lot. “A woodpecker would have to pack a lunch to just fly across it.” Stripped, raped, clear cut and not so sympathetic to soil erosion that can wash silt into the precious waterways many miles away. That’s how watersheds in Maine work. What happens many miles away affect the lakes, rivers, streams, brooks and is serious stuff.
Fear of catching, surviving or just not wanting to spread the COVID19 virus. That sure has accelerated the desire for Maine land. Bought as an insurance policy and piece of mind. For the move to Vacationland once their existing out of state homes sell and loose ends on their end can be tied up neatly. Social distancing is a piece of cake when people to bang into and avoid hitting are just not in the picture.

Land in Maine.
Like people, soils are different. That’s the slug tag line on a local Maine soil evaluator, dirt tester to figure out if the property is buildable or not. Bill Hersey in Caribou Maine designed septic and gray water disposal designs. The HHE 200 and he is right. Soils like people are different. Even before you move into the location of the Maine land. What the drainage is, the profile of the first and what the Maine land is ideally suited for is important to know. It’s even stricter to protect the waterfront resource around the shore land zones in Maine. You can fix up what’s lacking in a home. Changing soils is not so easy and involves Mother Nature, glacier action years ago and not something a carpenter with a tool box can straighten out and correct.
The marching to Maine to find cheap land is nothing new.
Folks have been doing it for years. Some need jobs in Maine to go with their Maine land purchase. Many telecommute and bring those work from home remote employment careers opportunities with them. They already have jobs they labor at and pack them with all their personal belongings to bring with them. Driving large rental moving trucks packed to the gills with all their family pets and loved ones in tow over the big green river bridge entering Maine’s southern tip.

In the mix too, those with retirement checks that will follow them to Maine also make the exodus back to small town rural Maine living in search of land.
Some grew up here in Maine and left to pursue financial objectives in their career choices. Others familiar with Maine from attending school at a Maine college and remember those years fondly. They never gave up the notion to one day, someday buying a piece of land in Maine would happen. Often because the idea of buying Maine land where they live in the city is out of the question. Too expensive and often just does not exist. That’s why “go west young man” was a common direction many headed to stake a claim. Start a family homestead to create a lifestyle that might not be much but it was all mine. Slowly improved on and passed on to the next generation as a legacy.
Still more Maine land buyers were stationed at say Dow or Loring Air Force Base or the Cutler, Brunswick naval facilities in their Uncle Sam service hitch.

They remembered and enjoyed the industry watching what happens on Maine farm land.
They wish to return and invest in that feeling of “Americana” country living. If you worked on the border in Customs, Immigration, Border Patrol or for the state police and Maine was part of the climb up the promotional ladder, that’s your first glimpse of what living in Maine is like. Some larger companies move their middle managers around the Pine Tree State and like a buffet, these Maine land buyers sampled a lot of areas. Finally settling on the area they loved most that fits their lifestyle choice at this stage of life. Land in Maine with waterfront or at least a view of it in the distance. Elevated Maine land to provide one jaw dropping view of the countryside or out over water.
Populated areas can have high elevations of land in the level to rolling terrain.
But what are you really looking at when parked on the land is not in Maine? People, houses, highways, structures to herd those people around the urban areas. Maine is vast, open, wooded, under populated with people. Loaded with wildlife. Maybe taking a lesson from the four legged is a smart move. Live where wildlife likes it best. Listen to the bird’s singing. There is a reason like two legged snow birds they migrate back to Maine year in and year out.

Vacationing here and loving it, thinking someday I’ll do more and move to Maine.
That group is a large segment of who buys the small price, large sized Maine land acreages. Or the waterfront property on one of Maine many lakes and ponds or along the coastal regions if they carry a hefty wallet or purse. Because Maine is low population, owning your own smaller piece of land is plenty. When the competition for land in short supply and price tags with big numbers is removed from the buying land equation. If what neighbors you for land is a steep incline or depression. If a swamp is what is across the street where no one would ever build. You have protection. It’s like extra land in Maine you enjoy the peace and quiet. But don’t get the property tax bill once a year to settle up with the folks down at the town hall.
Can you see yourself the owner of a small Maine farm where you live off the land pretty self sufficiently?
Or parked next to a Maine lake listening to crying loons and spending a big part of your day out on the water? Maybe breathing fresh salty coastal air and dickering directly with the lobster boat operator for the tonight’s what’s for supper? Becoming involved as a local Maine community volunteer? Attending church, a patron of the local library and blending in with the small Maine town’s people in your new life chapter living in Maine. Land in Maine is the first stop when you don’t need buildings, not looking to insure and maintain structures that you don’t plan to use today. Future considerations. The long term life plan. Land in Maine is often part of the scheme.

The move to Maine is for what the state is loaded with and just as important what it lacks.
Who would not relish the wide open freedom of being sparsely populated and stepping out your back door into Nature? The simple living, friendly local crime free atmosphere is a breath of fresh air to most. No traffic, not burdened with over regulation, not needing a lot of money to enjoy all that Maine offers for free. There is a lot of like and today you don’t feel cut off or remote thanks to amazing Internet broadband connectivity that serves as a very important digital support umbilical cord.
Yesterday, a Maine real estate buyer calls from Nashville TN who runs an online high end digital printing service for fine art.
He and his wife are from 100 miles out of Sidney Australia. Also have a cell phone software development company that’s doing quite well. After watching several local community play list videos, the pair want to buy land in Maine.
Right after that interesting phone call, another Maine land buyer makes the office phone ring. Asking about Maine land but also first multi unit rent properties. Wanting to buy some income generating rental apartment units to get established on the East coast while listing and selling off his residential rental properties in Bakersfield, CA. Over crowded, way way too expensive living in California and stuck in a place that is so not like Maine. Complaining about all the smog that gets blow over Bakersfield CA from the LA area and fed up, ready to make a slow, calculated move to Maine.

Maine land, plenty to go around and pretty attractively priced is getting more attention online.
We are so lucky to live in Maine. Others are discovering the secret and want a chunk of Maine land. How much easier it is to weather an economic storm or a COVID19 pandemic when we already live “social distanced”. Or practicing “green” before the easy does in on the environment, be a good steward, think of the next generation. We’ve been living that simpler, healthier approach for years in Maine. Long before it earned a color buzz word label and started trending high and with it’s own hash tag.
Land in Maine is self sufficient survival necessary. Not just fun to camp on and build open fires to gaze into and do some grillin’ while chillin’. Those same fires with the circle of chairs to let go, unplug and start collecting all those positive ions. Land in Maine is space. Everyone needs elbow room and give me some room to breathe, to think, to just take a break.

Land in Maine.
It’s not just the low price. Maine property acreage is easy to buy and often seller owner financing is offered to real estate buyers. The land owner does not need to replace the property like you would with a house to get another one. No bank, custom made payments to fit the Maine land buyer’s budget make it before you know it, the property acreage is free and clear. The woods in the forested sections goes up in value as it grows and matures. But the where the cheap land is located is the biggest attraction. Surrounded by nature, not people and development. Unspoiled, pure, natural. Sounds like a organic food product commercial huh?
The open farm land is fertile and can be rented out with a local farmer paying per acreage a set fee for the agriculture lease.
Thinking you would like to own some land in Maine?
Or another low cost land in Maine video to watch option.
It’s cheaper to own than you think. I get my exercise tramping Maine land to find the boundary property times and showing it to prospective buyers. It’s not just homes, houses, condos and timeshares that a Maine real estate broker and agent peddle up here in Vacationland.