Here it comes, Black Friday shopping deal time.

Hope you are rested. Ready to wrestle with other Black Friday sale shoppers. To fight over two of an item per store items deep discounted to tease. As token loss leaders. Hoisted high like a piece of dripping fresh meat. For the hungry masses.

Maine, Evacuate Now.
Hitting The Trail Out Of A Crowded City. You Are (Pointing) Here. Connect The Blue Dots. Head To Maine. Away From Black Friday Shopping Mobs.

All sucked into a Bermuda shopping zone of retail therapy, self medication to fill an artificial Black Friday hole.

Tractor beamed efficiently, pulled with a sense of urgency. To the neon flashing light retail magnets. All peddling their wares and services. Radiating the stuff sharp edged slick marketing that follows you around the Internet.

The ads everywhere you look directly and from out of the corner of your eye. In searches that are the exact color and size that you looked at once. One time was all it took. That makes us anxious and hanker it from that day forward. Until the next Black Friday sales time rolls around.

Thinking we have to have the latest and greatest to be happy, feel blessed. Rise to the occasion. Because we can not stand to miss out on a deal to snatch up. Black Friday, Cyber Monday bargains are out there just waiting.  Making you feel like you should be aggressively pushing, filling a wire cart. If you don’t set your clock for a middle of the night wake up alarm.

To rub your eyes, stretch your arms high and stretch. To prepare for the Black Friday retail therapy drain shot in the bank account.

To stand in front of the mirror and for a moment ask what am I doing this for? The project feeling of guilt if I miss out. Getting a grip. Then to run a comb or brush through your hair before morning light. And the grab your wallet or purse and a hat, coat, some gloves. Assuming the position.

Turn the key. Whirl a cold engine into life with a roar and here we go. To back up, move forward. Headlight out into the night in search of a Black Friday or Cyber Monday deal. That are lurking.

Maine Lake Snapping Turtles
Come Up For Air While Black Friday Shopping.

Wielding a shopping computer mouse or rat-tat-tatting a mobile screen touch screen for all you are worth. To make the best of the little time you have while the precious seconds tick loudly away.

Getting a deal on one day that like an eclipse only happens once in a blue moon.

Where it all is life and death important. Coming down to the wire. For the shop til you drop. If you miss Black Friday, wait there is more. One extra day to Cyber Monday correct any of the lost retail shopping ground. If an opportunity to score items for a song was someone missed. In the pushing, shoving, reaching up high or way down low.

Shopping becomes a sport, fueled like a drug. When you believe you gotta have it. Need it, want it. Can just taste and feel it. And the fixation becomes all that matters. Get out of my way to find it the cheapest. When on the hunt for a Christmas shopping list article for  loved one. And don’t you always sneak something for yourself to take down front and hit the check out. What the heck.

At the mall or online in and out of many big box store cyber outlets for the stuff Santa can not fit in the sleigh.

Maybe the elves didn’t fashion at the North Pole. Or were distracted by the tickle me Elmo’s, other list items. Written in and asked for from those lucky ones. Listed in the good book, the red one not the Satan black colored binder inventory out there in Who or Hooterville. For those touch and go landings. On roofs around the World before sunrise happens.

And the dancing sugar plums in the heads of the young’uns wears off and it is time for a rise and shine.

When Mom and Dad give the signal it is okay to proceed. Come down the stairs and see what happened in the living room where the multi colored tree lights are a glow.

Maine Clover, Wild Flowers.
Outdoors, That’s Where People Hang Out In Maine.

When you live in Maine, the present comes in two types.

The special fresh air, the clean water to hog and enjoy. With a shortage, not a lot of people to mess up your all natural surroundings experience.

And without the traffic, crime, urban setting noises from sirens and all the over-taxed transportation modes. Bloated and expanding from the seams.

Transporting the in a one major hurry masses here and there. In the sea of people where frowns, worries not smiles are worn hanging onto the strap standing. Or sitting and looking out windows filled with a blur.

Dreaming of country neighborhoods outside the city. Away from the state of Maine. City dweller or out in the burbs. Where Dads and Moms see their kids for an average of forty five minutes only a day if they are lucky. Because of the commute to work that can be many hours away each way. When you tally up the hour glass sand chewed up in the time away from home sweet home.

So this Black Friday, Cyber Monday, consider the real deals are away from the big retailer giants.

Have to make a shameless plug for my day job and to stand next to the marketing fire rattle and hum. Fed by the Madison Avenue catchy ad campaigns to fuel the retail therapy hysteria. For those who think the best Christmas is the one with the biggest dent in the available credit lines on the plastic with the magnetic strip. Measured in volume of stuff a kid, you can not live without because someone planted the seed in your head that you better hop to it.

And take advantage of another Black Friday, hit me again like a game of 21 on a Cyber Monday to stock the shelves.

Maine Sunset On A Lake
Get To Maine. You Have No Idea What You Are Missing Staying Away.

To create the expensive spreads when reassembled in your home. The space under the tree to fill and level to keep it even Steven.

And by the way, again do Black Friday real estate deals happen?

Relax. Down boy.

Like all the rest of the days on the calendar, pick any day for a big discount compared to what most have to pay for their land, their homes, all the other types of property listings for sale in the more populated areas of the country. Read all about it in this blog post link.

Maine is low cost real estate all the time. Less emphasis on the stuff that glitters and more all about the pure green, blue, other shades of outdoors in Maine.

Take a deep breath, step back. Drive that car like you stole it. And put the city madness that sucks you dry in the rear view mirror. Head up the pike, I-95 to the upper right hand corner of the country.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker

207.532.6573 | |

MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730