Junk in the trunk, no not the kind of garbage or debris you want to get out of your own backyard, but the kind you collect through life.

The Swiss Are Known For Negotiating Peace..Maybe It's Due To The Knife They Carry.
The Tool To Use To Seek Peace... An Inside Job We All Need To Work At.
Carry around inside. Inherited from parents, their parents and lots you develop on your own reacting to others in self defense mode.

And unfortunately it takes years for you to discover your array of inner junk if you ever do at all.

All of us could stand the need for regular delousing, a strong shot of self improvement training to find real inner peace.

To calm, still the waters in our head and heart. Because as Billy Joel croons “we’re only human, we’re “SA-posted” to make mistakes. And we do, and will for life. Welcome to the club.

A common theme I hear as a Maine real estate broker is “I want to be on a dead end road without a neighbor in sight to bother me, or for me to not be in their face either”.

Avoiding other people makes Northern Maine with eleven and Southern Maine with only forty four people per square mile attractive. Less people, less problems the solution to the calamity. From living in arm to arm, trench warfare style survival in an over crowded area. Often why out of state folks yank up tent stakes, hoist the sail, and point the buck board north to Maine.

For centuries, the news has carried report on uprisings, struggles, wars, fighting. Peace is a temporary condition in many parts of the world. The Swiss seemingly have single handedly earned the reputation of getting along, negotiating peace settlements. Maybe its because they all carry that clever little knife? Or perhaps they work at developing an attitude of peace.

An inner peace and connection to God first then others around you see a change, realize the contentment.

And want what you have too. And that peaceful easy feeling spreads, becomes contagious. Goes viral. For all to benefit from as a marriage, household, community, country, world. Seems you can trust the Swiss for your off shore, out of the country bank accounts too. But that’s another blog post topic to ponder. Peace and trust are tag team partners. You need both to let go and stop fighting whatever brews, churns and aggravates inside your soul.


Not just the kind that is a temporary cease fire stop to hostility. But when the rage, anger, feeling wronged, defensive emotions dry up, blow away. Replacing your fears, anxieties that make you sound the alarm. Begin the charge to rally the troops and fight for a cause. Many folks fight lots of causes.

But until you stop, drop and roll open the big garage bay door to your heart to expose bright healing light on the junk in the trunk, the sharp as glass, barbed edges inside keep up their destructive patterns. That make you feel like you are up continuously, battle fatigued. Sensing that you are in real danger. That everything is a matter of life and death importance to crank you up. Keeps causing those air raid sirens, battle station warnings to sound. To propel you in to action in a bad way. A needless, exhaustive, unproductive, unrewarding way that takes you away from a place called peace.

To find inner peace you need to be on your knees daily.

Searching, reading the world’s most popular, best selling of all books to find the answers to the puzzle of elusive peace. Yes what the world needs now, is love sweet love as the Bacharach song reminds. But it starts with peace so love can take root, expand, flood in to your heart. There are no shortages of Bible scripture on the importance of peace to calm the storms in your head and heart. To spring clean and remove worry, fears.

Romans 8:6
So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.

Philippians 4:6-7
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 29:11
The Lord gives his people strength.
The Lord blesses them with peace.

These are just a few peaceful reminders for strength, to calm your heart and settle down the thought pattern that could be making your mind race. That keeps you from getting a good deep sound night’s sleep. Daily work on the inside “junk in your trunk” is essential if you want to get more out of life. And for your kids to see, your mate and friends to enjoy with a new and improved you.

Changes slowly happen from within, with discovery, understanding and discipline to lead your life in a healthier way physically, mentally, spiritually. Maine is a state well known for it’s peaceful, unspoiled by man settings. Get here quick as you can. She is a state that offers the serene natural, patient backdrop to clean out the junk in your trunk.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
