You own a Maine farm with wooded and open sections.

The woods if they are tree plantations maybe have been planted years ago. In soldier like rows of thousand or twelve hundred plant grids per acre. They may have holes. Missing trees. You need to fill those holes and the sooner the better. It takes a long time for trees to grow. I think trees know the meaning of the word patience best.

Here is a neat link for planting seedlings, Maine nurseries, growers to help you buy what you need to fill those bald spots. And another link for seedlings to do the job of planting more trees for the next generation. We need to develop a love affair with Maine plants, trees.

So I need about two hundred small seedling trees. To fill in holes in tree plantation plots on my Maine family farm.

And getting them takes planning, logistics. Because the tree seedlings are not available year round in Maine.

Early spring is the time for me to be planting the new pine, fir, spruce seedlings. That is now. This University of Maine bulletin on planing trees, shrubs has some handy, helpful information. Maine is too special, natural not to do our part and plant, not just cut trees.

The Houlton Maine Rotary club back in the early 1980’s intiated a program to plant trees along the major streets. These maples, other varieties designed to replace older trees coming down due to weather, age. And especially trees the Dutch elm disease killed, took from our local streets. I have a giant oak tree at a lake vacation home and do not see many oaks in Northern Maine woodlots we list and sell. So this video with a project to plant a 1000 trees got my attention on You Tube.

There are many Scandanavian transplants in Northern Maine. And all I have run in to have told me you give your woodlot to your kids in better shape than you received it. It is good stewardship, respect for a precious natural resource we take for granted. And will lose if we are not careful, vigilant.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker