Growing up on a Maine farm, I watched my mom plant flowergarden after flower garden.
The wild flowers in Maine that you see everywhere you go are my favorite. But the flocks, bachelor buttons, hollyhocks, brown eyed susans, tiger lillies and lupines are pretty special too. I can see my mom on her hands and knees, humming, in her element. Inside African violets, Christmas catcus always being cared for, dusted, watered, fed Miracle Grow too.
The visual of new Maine flowers is special eye candy. But the way freshly cut flowers fill a Maine room, sitting pretty on the center of a table entertaining all filling that area with sweet smells is intoxicating too. Adds to the day, the event and is so short lived making it even more precious.
Early spring in Maine the tulips, crocus, daffodils are a welcome sight. Especially after the final throws of a Maine winter leave for another 3 seasons change, rotation. We love all four seasons in Maine.
But spring especially is a time of renewal, hope, sunshine with strength and the promise of even more in a Maine summer.
Not everyone is as affectionate about the same season in Maine.
It depends on your outdoor interests, your career choice, your age and health and family traditions you grew up with. The ones you pass along and define who you are. What you enjoy doing in Vacationland. This state of Maine way up high, here in the right hand corner of the country. Pick your season, pick your pleasure kind of thinking really right?
My mom, dad have passed away but the flowers gardens still flourish. The apple orchard and variety of trees planted on the farm still growing well because started with a pair patient hands. The kind with two green thumbs. Discover Northern Maine.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, Broker