Have that pioneer spirit or ever think you were born late?

Less People, More Outdoors, Elbow Room In Maine.
Own A Piece, Live Off The Maine Land, Woods.

Would you like to homestead in Maine and be self sufficient?

Maine is a great state to take it to the level you are seeking to reduce the size of your carbon foot print. Did a sister site off grid Maine blog post this morning with a couple of video versions of how to do it. What these folks ran in to for set backs and how they would do it differently which help you avoid the same mistakes with their honesty.

Back in 1980 when I pinned on the “REALTOR” designation and started listing, marketing, selling Maine real estate, I would see what were affectionately called “granolas” and “back to the landers” that creaked in to the office driveway with rickety cars filled with the nicest, a little naive people.

Some of the “find me a piece of cheap of land way way off the road” Maine wannabees were sons and daughters of pretty wealthy city lawyers, doctors, successful business folks. Not as ambitious as the above described folks courting the Amish way of good honest living.

And ones you knew that in about a year, the back to the land in Maine craze would disappear from their eyes. Usually when the money mom and dad shelled out to get them up here ran out.

If you are looking for a low cost piece of Maine land. A property for vacations and part time off the beaten path, maybe without power to plug in to living. Have a good selection of affordable Maine land listings. Some properties on the Maine waterfront, all with peace and quiet and several with attractive, generous owner financing help to complete your dream.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers

