Maine, why you are here, why you want or need to be in Vacationland, the Pine Tree State? The motivation, desire for Maine living, the flavor of the surroundings, people, 4 season recreation.
Different unique reasons, yet many of the same laundry list items sought out if you peeked over the shoulder, studied the written wishes, goals made by folks that remind themselves why they live here. Others outside Maine who want to live here. Need to be here. Or those that flit, sample, zip in to Maine any chance they can. Like this three day memorial weekend, for hunting season, the holidays. Traditions where just the expression, knowledge “I’m going to Maine” or someday “I’ll retire to Maine.” The state of Maine offers comfort, security from crime, elimination of traffic, and most of the countryside, lakes, resources are pretty much like they were before developments. Less people, more good stewards to the area mean better experience, quality of life in Maine.
Many of the same factors that pull people from outside the state to visit, relocated, move here are to get rid of something they don’t like, that has creeped up in their day day where they live now. You’ll love the state for what we have, Maine for what we don’t have too. Both are long lists in a good way. The lack of crime, being the 4th lowest in the nation, Aroostook County half that average again may be all it takes for elderly that worry about gangs, clusters housing and folks with no repect for their things, other people’s feelings, possessions.
Or not spending a big portion of your life stuck in traffic. Going somewhere, trying to get there and having time during the day to get things done, but not just behind the wheel. The worry about crime, the being on your toes driving thru multiple lanes of traffic, are two contant worries you leave behind as you cross in to Maine from New Hampshire, to the south. Replaced with four season beauty, wildlife, less people to be on the look out on the roads, around your low cost ME real estate.
Don’t get me wrong. People are great…but too many people, well, they start to cause problems within just the over population stress.
Like labratory rats when they get too many rats in a small confine. You and I react to the environment and if it over crowded, one where you live in fear, or stuck in gridlock on a six lane highway, what fun is that? What toll does that existence do to you day in and out? Mentally, physically, financially, spiritually? Maine, happy campers here because the surroundings are like they used to be everywhere. Maine is the way life should be. Still is because not too many people here mean the simple things have not been messed up.
Maine, the reasons you move here are many, but to each person, their list has what they want from Vacationland, need. And what they don’t want, but can not get rid of where they live in population centers now. Maine, get some in your diet. You can dream standing up, with your eyes open here. These Flickr Maine images, over 1200 of them show you just a glimpse, but without words this great state. And for 30 images per second, brace yourself for over 400 Maine videos. To show you the community living, flavor of the people that make Maine unique.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers