The best time to wander into Maine if you are one of the unlucky ones forced to be on rations of vitamin “V”.

Vacationland when the dose is only a week a year, a long holiday weekend stint fix is just a tease. Does not begin to knock down the addiction and only serves to feed it really.

So the best time to come to Maine? When you need the change of scenery most. Space is the big attraction. Which causes all the other life blocks to fall into place. For a feeling of peace. Surrounded by all her natural splendor awe. But the real beauty of Maine beams, originates from the friendly small town centered hardworking people.

Slow Color Change In Maine Fall Weather
Cooler Nights, Warm Days Start Up The Maine Fall Color Machine.

So instead of ordering off the menu, trying to figure out how you think you should spend your limited time here on the Vacationland planet, just reach out, ask them.

Close the four color glossy tourist flyers. Stash, slide, put ’em away. And don’t just do what you did last year, the one before that. No no. Shake it up. Throw yourself a curve.

Ask the locals what’s good here?

What’s the special of the day or what would, do they do if they have time off? Were all caught up with their daily chores and obligations. They head out to where? Tell me about those special haunts, places off the beaten tourist industry pathway. But vow, pledge, raise your right hand. To keep it a secret.

Not let the cat out of the bag to maintain a level of trust too. So on the return, more adventures await you because you are inside the circle of trust. Don’t get hung up on how you dress, the color scheme or if everything matches or not either. The locals don’t…

Maine Lake Sunset Photo
Fresh Air, Clean Water, Wildlife Not People. That’s Part Of Maine’s Secret Beauty.
Just put on the correct application for the journey you embark on. Clothes that fit the particular day, season activity.

To many the ends of the tourist seasons are the sweet spot.

To find their happy place. The locals are a little more relaxed, the turn the corner is close. To roll in the new backdrop, slide the current one the other way to dove tail underneath. Preserved for the next rotation three seasons away.

Sitting On A Maine Porch. Maine Is That.
All Year Long, Maine Is Outdoor Living.

What to do for fun, recharging a weary overworked mind and body.

To collect some magic moments in Maine for those “ah ha” light bulb illuminating times in your life. Maine’s magic is often getting lost, freed up and letting go. When hypnotized, put under her spell.

Tractor beamed into the drop dead gorgeous 360 degrees that wraps around you. As she tugs at all of your heart strings at once. And you stop fighting it, admitting to yourself you are in lub dub love.

Why don’t you take a hike. Ahhh, just go jump in a lake, get lost in Maine. Or do one of the slew of other outdoor, low or no cost activities you decide are just what the Doctor ordered.

Get away, beeline to Maine. She is your best friend, a healthy addiction, make her your habit for life.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker