Maine is more fun when it is just you in the surroundings.
To explore, discover without lots of tourists, with cameras, chatter. Sometimes being in a small Maine harbor town is more fun out of season. When the streets are not crowed, bursting, bustling. Don’t get me wrong, there is an energy with people. The sound of cash registers and credit card swiping helps the economy. And you meet interesting tourists to talk with, converse about their part of the world. To compare notes on life, hobbies, passions and a common, shared interest in Maine.
But when the Maine beauty, natural setting does all the talking.
Not shared by many. Has a solo without the background chatter of the tourist. When she gets your undivided attention and you can look out. Develop a 1000 yard stare. Detach. Deactivate. To truly relax, and let your senses overload with the sheer surroundings Maine is over flowing with…whoa. That is special. And when you live in Maine, you can tap into those settings year round. Not rely on one weekend or string of week days once a year to satisfy the urge, yearning. Tide you over.Bring your camera. Lock and load. For some shock and awe. To shoot, bag some scenery. Capture some live never fade memories.
Come to a Maine seacoast tourist attraction before the busy season starts.
The Maine shop, diner proprietors can sit down and talk.
Time to turn around and think. To socialize a little because they are not all out straight. Like when the short but lucrative tourist season hits like a tidal wave, flood of people from all points. All everyone is just after a picture of a Maine lighthouse. A Maine moose. To eat a lobster, baked potato from Maine. Enjoy a slab of fresh blueberry or strawberry rhubarb pie. And eat up the local community flavor, without sharing what shines locally with all those out of state license plates. Folks from all over the globe after the same thing. A piece of Maine.
Maine, there is not bad time to visit. Don’t keep her waiting.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker