Everyday and every minute of every day, you and I are the target of communication. Some we want and welcome.
Some live and local ME rural lifestyle…this video involving youth during the Maine potato harvest. Others just not avoidable. From the newspaper headline or advertisement circular to the commercial messages piggy backed in a video on youtube we are radiated daily with messages, requests, demands, suggestions for services, products. Sometimes just images, photos, pictures..no words, no copy..just images move us, affect us deeply.
In Maine, it is often said what we don’t have here is the biggest attraction. We are not crime central..Maine is the 4th lowest crime state. Our four season beauty is not a secret anymore. The outdoor four season recreational options are countless, limitless. The people of Maine are fewer but friendlier. And the bottom line is keep it simple, real, small town community proud. As a Maine realtor, a big part of my job is to just tell, show, talk about what the area is like. Years ago, a Maine real estate broker listed, marketed, sold property mainly to local buyers.
With the internet explosion, the market blew wide open and the world became an oyster and so much smaller. If you are proud of where you live, raise a family, enjoy the surroundings, that is what the blog message, the posts are suppose to relay, communicate.
If you have any questions about Maine, are looking for information, call, click, come visit us. info@mooersrealty.com 207.532.6573 Log on www.mooersrealty.com Or visit 69 North Street, Houlton Maine 04730
Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers