The days in Maine happen under mostly cobalt blue cloudless skies with sunshine lately.
And as you drive around country roadways to local festivals and town celebrations you notice the route is in remarkably good shape for Maine, a state this big with just a tad over 1.32 million people.
On those treks to differents regions of Maine, gardens, woodpiles in the local back yards show up with pride.
Part of the family survival of eating well, nutrious and keeping the homestead warm as toast all winter long.
Long rows of cut, split wood destined for a furnace or maybe just a kitchen cook stove to take the chill off. Next years wood supply being worked on right on schedule. Green, unseasoned wood that is twenty minutes old has no business in a Maine home wood heater of any kind. Can you say chimney fire? I knew you could.
Some of the gardens in rural Maine are just extensions of the farm operation. The real cash cow is a crop or two grown in volume. But the garden is a special project with many going over the top for variety, for care and maintenance. Survivors we Maine people are. Making a game of it, embracing it. But not whining or talking about what we need to do.
And living pretty green, long before the simple tread lightly, good stewardship lifestyle became in vogue.
Before simple living in moderation was given a color to identify the lifestyle choice.
I was lucky enough to hit the Downeast, Washington County Eastport Pirate Festival this weekend. Then take in a tour of Lubec Maine, West Quoddy Lighthouse on the coast.
Like in renting, a deposit for security is given up front. As I weaved down through the roadways of Downeast and notice more rock formations than a lad growing up in Aroostook County is used to, I saw lots of pretty grandiose gardens, plenty of stacked like winter waiting soldier regiments of wood piles. Getting your chores done, work first before play priorities evident in Downeast Vacationland like in the Crown of Maine.
Are you lamenting the end of summer?
Maybe this is the best time to Vacation in state or from out of state Maine. Without the crowds, throngs of knick snack tourist item seekers. Have you ever been to a Maine coastal tourism rich town in the fall, winter and noticed the major contrast in the atmosphre, feel of the place? You get more of a sense of having the area to yourself.
Oh sure, many of the shop keepers have packed up the mini van and high tailed it to Florida, Mexico or where they flit to before snow flakes start depositing. But the businesses still open, keeping the local town lights burning have some pretty neat people at the helm, running them. Holding down the fort. Shifting gears for the upcoming winter season. Like turning the page on a worn out, spent calendar month, the long list of outdoor winter recreation is planned for. Right after the fall foiliage fireworks of color bursts that is next up on the Vacationland carousel slide show. Get to Maine any time you can. There is no bad time.
I’m Maine Broker, Andrew Mooers ME REALTOR