Bartering And Hey, What If There Was Less Inflation?
Do you have skills, talents beyond just what you do in the primary chase, hunt down? In the bag and tag of the weekly paycheck? What you may have a
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Do you have skills, talents beyond just what you do in the primary chase, hunt down? In the bag and tag of the weekly paycheck? What you may have a
Small Maine towns are filled with lots of interesting people that make the communities sparkle, special, different. The career path for one young lad in one small Maine town in
Hovering, then slowly descending, the ship lands in a small hidden rear Maine farm field. Underneath, the craft’s intense wash of blue light stops. The alien crew inside away from
When you raise kids in Maine, you teach them there is a big wide open World out there to explore, discover. To sample in the journey of life. The many
Life comes with pressure. Most we can look in the mirror. Take much of the blame from ourselves. Let’s face it. Level with me. We just pack too heavy. Adding
The forces that help or hurt the sustained economy, smart growth of a small Maine town. It may not at first hit you as a titillating topic headline. But it
Hello, I’m Andy Mooers and grew up on this Maine family farm. I own and still enjoy this spread during off hours from my full time passion and jealous master listing, marketing, selling Maine real estate