What is it like to work, live on a Maine farm?

amish farm horse carriages
Living in Maine

Amish Lifestyle In Maine

Amish lifestyle in Maine. Large families of over ten children, farm living off the land. They say the average age of an American farmer is 59 years. But with the

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maine state agricultural fairs
Growing Up in Maine

Agricultural State Fairs In Maine

Agricultural state fairs in Maine, they are underway around Vacationland. Many were scaled way back or not held at all during the pandemic. But the COVID virus is in the

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old maine farm photo
Living Off The Land

Farming In Maine

Farming in Maine, it was the first noble profession. Because feeding yourself and your family is life and death important. No farmer, no food, no more life is the most

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farms baked beans suppers maine
Living in Maine

Baked Bean Suppers In Maine

Baked bean suppers in Maine. Friday night in Maine growing up meat putting the yellow eye or Jacob’s cattle or soldier bean in the pot to soak. My Mom’s Saturday

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