Weather in Maine.
What’s in the weather forecast today and down the road is pretty important. Especially if you work and play outside in Maine.

Unless you are stuck inside, parked on a couch, the outside weather in Maine is pretty darn important.
If your job is at always chained inside to a desk, the forecast weather rain, sun, snow, wind, temperatures impact are not so critical. But true Mainers are outdoors every day of the year. Can’t wait and just make sure to dress accordingly. So many myths about the Maine weather
Have a son who lives in Leadville CO which gets snow fall of over 140 inches a year. Inland Maine gets 100 inches or so of white stuff. More on snowiest area of the US.
Ask a Maine farmer if the weather matters to his/her livelihood.
The family farm depends on just the right amount of rain water. Too much in the spring, delays tilling the soil to prepare the cultivated ground to receive seed. A shorter growing season is one sure way to limit the yield which is your bread and butter. Bigger crops mean more return to pay the one annual payment to stay on the family farm operation.
Breaking even is considered a good year and the weather usually is the biggest culprit in making the feast or famine situation.
The profit is in the expenses because the USA has a cheap food policy. Lots of middle men to get the food serves up on your family table to enjoy. Weather in Maine is one big variable that challenges the bottom line of any farmer in Maine.

Non stop water keeps the farm tractor from cultivating whatever you plant on the Maine land. Wet falls mean delays in harvest. Or more time spend getting stuck and a struggle to get the crop out before a killing frost happens.
Weather in Maine affects the guys and gals in the full rain gear heading out of a Maine fishing village harbor.
Gale force winds, sleet and snow just increases the dangerous job of fishing off the coast of Maine.

Rainy days at “uptah camp in Maine”.
I will agree some early misty mornings enjoying a fresh coffee are reflective. But weren’t we planning on hiking Mt Katahdin today?
The white water river runs down the mighty Penobscot, Kennebec or Dead depending on the weather in Maine.

How many in your party and are you a little nervous when the captain of your boat explains what to do if you fall out. If the raft flips over. You plan on getting wet but a hot sun overhead helps the cold chills. When you eddy out to empty the rubber boat, it helps to feel the sun or just glad you are wearing a neoprene wet suit.
Weather in Maine.
Think what if you are a airplane pilot. Ever been delayed from take off in Maine to Florida for the icing the plane procedure? Some days better than others to lift on without a hitch in the flight schedule.

I’ve always respected the weather safety flying in Maine variables it takes for the pilot up front
He or she does not want to die or lose any of the crew, the passenger fare load behind in first class and coach. When he, she, their co pilot and crew take off to fly the friendly or not so fun skies.
Studying and passing a FAA Part 107 sUAS drone license just hammered home the point.

Flying seems way way easier than it looks. Ever read a busy airport sectional chart? What do you mean it looks like an upside down wedding cake for controlled air space regulations?
Here are drone laws in Maine.
And METARS, TAF weather reports to study before leaving an airport in a plane or whatever location you launch your unmanned drone. To most people the weather’s impact means just don’t bother washing the car today, it’s gonna rain. Or it will just as soon as I soap up and rinse down wax the vehicle you drive.
Change or weather in Maine or temperatures means more than rethink the wardrobe selection.

Let’s reconsider the plans to take the kids water skiing or tubing on a Maine lake today due to the choppy rainy colder temperature conditions.
METARS are issued hourly unless significant weather condition changes occur. Wind, precipitation, sky visibility, cloud cover, temperature changes. All that and more are jammed in that weather report aviators use to prepare for what’s ahead.
Here’s a METAR weather report for KHUL, my local Houlton ME airport.
KHUL 231053Z AUTO 00000KT 9SM CLR 03/03 A3034 RMK AO2 SLP278 T00330028
Looks pretty cryptic huh? Not so much once you one by one study each category in the list of flying shorthand. Pilots read them with ease and they are not so hard once you learn out to decipher them. The weather in Maine is critical to whether we fly or not today. With a Maine real estate drone mission, it’s safety first.

Besides wanting to capture stunning light bright clear stills and video loops from overhead, you want to the real estate drone to return to base. Lots of rules for good reason on where to fly and where you need a drone waiver. Hot air balloons or gliders are a hazard to watch out for flying. The helicopters, airplanes have the right of way so stay clear of those Maine licensed drone pilots.
Drones for real estate, for inspections of roofs to bridges to towers, for agriculture, for national defense, broadcasting, community reels.
The FAA has a lot of extra work to set up rules to control air space use by licensed remote unmanned drone pilots. You don’t want to be collecting drone video loops and still photography images in a lightning storm.

Flying a drone in Maine.
The weather can ground the drone mission for safety reasons and just because the drone photography needs to captured with blue skies, little or no winds at just the right fly by angle, time of day.

Real estate drone video photography is way more than just controlling two thumb stick controls and flying skills.
It’s the same real estate photography and video making skills apply standing on your own two feet on the ground around the new property listing.

My Dad was a B-24 gunner in World War II.
He wanted to be a pilot. Everyone did and they had plenty of those. His skinny size made him agile and able to fit easily into the back end of the four engine war aircraft. Before climbing up and squeezing back into the tight tail of a multi engine Liberator turned out every 55 minutes. With the help of Rosie back stateside operating the rivet gun.
Prior to a six or seven hour bomb run cramped quarters mission over a primary, secondary target in un-pressurized cabin wearing an oxygen mask. Some missions were “milk runs”. Other had complications involved and weather, mechanicals added to the will we make it home alive.
Cold as a barn at 20,000 or higher feet approaching your target over enemy territory. The plane smelled like a latrine and each flight member in the crew had a survival kit, a parachute.
In the kit was a chocolate bar, an ampule of morphine, some silk thread, a map, some silver certificate currency with the blue seal.
A post car written in seven languages says please help this airman to get to safety and there is a reward in it for the help behind enemy lines.
You can smell the 88 mm shell cordite and gun powder as sharp pieces of flak get a fix on your altitude.
Everything on whether to fly or not today revolved around the weather over the bomb run target. Daylight bombing was very effective but early on, half the planes did not return to base with the rest of the formation.
Weather for flying, from take off to making the big loop in all the artillery flak to return to base lighter than when you left base.
During war time, fighting on the ground and especially high overhead. It all depended on important weather forecast reports. Working around them to help write the words in the history book story.
Weather in Maine, planning your travel or outdoor lawn party, a wedding.
Heck, a long summer of rainy dreary colder days means lower sales at the local Maine ice cream dairy bar. People’s moods go up and down with changes in the Maine weather.
Maine weather changes fast and we have lots of it to make things interesting. I think learning to prepare and handle the weather in Maine helps define us. It makes you deal the best you can around things you can not control and to be flexible.
Thank you for following our Me In Maine blog that covers a range of topics!
Anything Maine is fair game. Please go back in the blog post archives for other interesting Maine blog post topics. And remember. Don’t like the Maine weather, just wait a moment and be ready for the change to keep things interesting!
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker
207.532.6573 | |
MOOERS REALTY 69 North ST Houlton ME 04730 USA