It is always about quality of life.

Getting the most out of it. Not missing the magic moments of the little things happening around you. That combine for the bigger take away of a good life. You are in it for the long haul right? Not lazy, not just expecting things to fall in your lap I am sensing.

So right thinking, how to keep out of the ruts, the set backs, the slide to the dark side.

BB8 NewStar Wars Droid.
Rolling Around, Keep Moving To Avoid Bogging Down This Christmas Season. Advice For Droids, All Of Us.

( Did you like the new rolling ball droid BB-8 in Star Wars movie? Wonder if the idea came from someone using a Dyson dirt sucker during a break, mental block in script writing?)

We’ve blog posted on stinking thinking before. Let’s weigh in with Irish author Emmet Fox. See what he brings to the table. Has to serve up this morning for food for thought.

Fox born in Ireland, educated in England and died young in France in 1951.

“There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer;
No disease that enough love will not heal;
No door that enough love will not open;
No gulf that enough love will not bridge;
No wall that enough love will not throw down;
No sin that enough love will not redeem. . .

It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble, how hopeless the outlook, how muddled the tangle, how great the mistake–a sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all. . . if only you could love enough, you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world.”

Emmet Fox

Changing the channel is easy when something not to your fancy is served up over the airwaves.

Maine Lake Living Is Pure, Simple, Real.
Playing With The Beagle, Chuck And Return Beagle Style.

But what about doing the same with your thinking? What rolls around in your head and heart, down next to your soul?

Fox reminds

You must not under any pretense allow your mind to dwell
on any thought that is not positive, constructive, optimistic, kind.”

Consider other approaches, positive ones and see the end result you want. Then push toward that goal rather than hands thrown in the air in despair. Which is defined as the complete loss of hope.

Isn’t Christmas the season of hope? Even with timber of a Hello Kitty, non offensive Christmas tree three decade long classroom display?

Maine Farmer To Farmer MOFGA Meeting.
The Joy Of Young Children, Youth To Make Life, Holidays Bright.

Bangor Maine math teacher Catherine Gordon says it “sucks the joy of out of season”.

When you are unhappy, isn’t it easier to find fault around you beyond what you are fixated on at the time?

Maybe when we think more about others in need the stick pulls back on its own. Lifting us out of being offended round the clock dead zone.

Hey, considering it all joy takes lots of fortitude.

But who you socialize with, listen to has a big good or negative impact on our thinking. The filter, lens we use to steer our life. To consider the options in the choices on how we think.

Start your day, end it with counting your blessings helps.

Boost your self confidence, raise your self esteem. The overly sensitive, those with low self esteem frequently get their feelings hurt.

You would think all that negativity would cease fire, experience a healthy truce over the Christmas season. For everyone. That thinking back to a childhood of dancing sugar plums and sounds of boisterous reindeer rooftop hooves would suspend all that. If you had that as a child. If you had kids around to re-create that magic again.

But Christmas is also a reminder of lost ones that you enjoyed celebrating it with years ago. Good memories should sooth and create inner peace. Are you braced for holiday happiness? Why people get depressed at Christmas.

Maine Dogs Bond.
The Pets Socialize As Their Owners Do The Same On A Maine Open Deck. Chill.

A study finds that families who focus on buying and receiving gifts report more stress and less satisfaction during the holiday season. The secret to a happy Christmas involves darkening the door of a local house of worship. Easy does it, not over the top zealous but with moderation. To have yourself a Merry Little Christmas.

Thinking about all the veterans overseas, serving to protect and away from loved ones this Christmas.

You will be home next year. The loss this year of a loved one makes some just wish the holiday would fast forward and be done already. Safe traveling to and fro for those on the road to get home for Christmas celebrations. Comfort for those spending the holiday in a hospital, medical facility.

Share the sights, smells, sounds of your Christmas past.

Teach children the joy of traditions that should be past down, not forgotten.

Hoping you have a memorable Christmas and Happy New Year faithful blog post readers.

It is all about as a man thinketh. James Allen had the right idea.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker

207.532.6573 | |

MOOERS REALTY 69 North Street Houlton Maine 04730