Islands in Maine, there are lots. Out in the deep blue sea along the coastal sections of Vacationland. Inland, not so much.
Although Maine lakes, some ponds, even wide rivers have islands to marvel at. Life on an island is like it’s own country. Just ask a kid who motors over to one in a short boat with a 9.9 motor strapped to the back. Who feels like a pirate going ashore and turning up the imagination with the boat crew as they tramp one. Ever camped out on one? Have a couple times on Catalina Island off South Harpswell Maine.

Living year round on a Maine island is not for wimps. Removed, like farming, depending on the weather for feast or famine.
For transportation and wishing for fishing that is stop and go. Hit or miss at best. Not everyone has the stomach for island living full time in Maine.
But Mainer’s are a more grateful bunch. Because they appreciate the little things more. Are way way extra intimately connected. To the other hearty hard working souls around them.
But think of the solitude on a Maine island.
The ability to stop the World. Hear yourself think. To be surrounded by water to distance yourself when you need total space. To unplug, recharge. Reflect on life as we know it.

The sounds of the shoreline, sea birds, smell of salt air. And in some cases nothing to see for as far as the peepers will reach.
Maine island resourceful.
You have to get high marks for that one. For entertainment too. Fix this, you can not call for that.
Running on ferry schedules if they are plying the water depending on the height of the white caps swell. It can get iffy on an island in Maine.
So DIY or make do and be happy with things just the way they are often the order of the day.

Maine island living, could you do it? Of if you must be tied to the main land, consider life is a beach in Maine.
Get on the edge of ocean living, the marine landscape without going out where it is over your head. Because some of the islands off the Maine coast are way out there.
Criehaven Maine is one of those that won’t get a lot of trucked in trick or treaters.
Slim pickings for residents to door to door for real estate listings on a Maine island.
It is a tad far away on vast ocean water. Just south of Matinicus Rock where I want to go to add another Maine lighthouse to the growing collection.
There are over 4600 islands off the Maine coast.
Not counting the ones dotting the interior for land lubbers to gawk at or boat to in summer. Snow shoe or cross country ski to in winter.
Here is a schedule of the ferries to Maine islands.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker