If you own a Maine boat, it might have a name.

You see some pretty clever ones. Floating around lakes, ponds. Heading down Maine rivers. Moored in coastal Maine town harbors. Plying the water along the rock bound coast of Vacationland. When you fly out of Maine to sample some blue green water, island fun to split a winter in half.

Maine Boat Names, Pick Something Catchy.
What Name Would You Pick For Your Boat?

Had a Maine lake home neighbor with a family boat called “Nickels and Dimes”.

A Four Winns blue and white boat with a 302 V8 Ford inboard motor. Skipper made his living with vending machines. Stocking, refilling the drop slots with munchie products.

Not a Miami Vice Wellcraft Scarab but 38 foot boats on a medium size lake are a little overkill. For high speed profiling, revolutions. Still, the Four Winns a pretty neat boat just the same. Kept spotless, ‘er ship shape so to speak. Just like his Checkmate before that.

Collecting the loose coins in the box. The currency in the changers. Wheeling it all back to Southern Maine banks for the presto, change-o exchange. The delicious cycle that bought the Maine boat. Explaining where the name was, er “coined”. Not a handle painted on the back of the barge, the aft, because of breakdowns. Like you might first think of expensive, one after another breakdowns with the label. Maybe you envisioned empty cans and bottles. Held hostage, taken back one by one for the deposit ransom bounty. Maine is a returnable container state, no billboards either remember?

What would you name your new boat in Maine?

Something clever like “Going Propless” if you float a sail boat?

Maine Boats, Think Of The Fun!
Moonlight Boat Rides On A Maine Lake Summer Night. Priceless.
“Dances With Waves”, “Fishy Business”, “Lobster Mobster”, “Missed Stress”, “Sea Sea Rider”, “Vitamin Sea”, “Wake Watchers”, “Eat Drink And Re-Marry”, “Chum Crazy”, “Jane Dough”, “Got Debt?”, “Billable Ours”, “Cirrhosis of the River” to suggest a few.

One more reader, blog post follower added one she caught, thought was clever… “Sotally Tober”. Fire water, wild women seem to be common boat name theme tie ins. Okey dokey, fine and dandy. As long as the boat captain is not three sheets to the wind, toasted, dozing at the helm wheel to the rudder. Missing, not grazing any and all icebergs.

If you scrimped, saved, wheeled and worked a deal to buy a boat, what would you plaster across the back and why?

Can you imagine moonlight night rides, under a million twinkling stars? Slowly circling a Maine lake as the sun sets in red, orange, pink fireworks? Lonely loons sing songs. Grills’ sizzle sweet smells as you get hungry.

Suddenly thinking about eating something home made, waiting back at camp with your hands when you tie up, hop out of the boat back at the wharf. But for now enjoy idling by bobbing in wood or fiberglass with family and friends.

Studying the jagged, jutting shoreline of camp fires. Heavy hanging clothes line of wet, drying colorful beach towels, swimsuits. Crowded picnic tables eating burgers, dogs, lobster, clams, corn cobs, watermelon rinds. Summer shanty simple cottage living with tiki lights flickering, strings of Chinese lanterns hanging, glowing. Kids running around chasing frogs. Or lightning bugs collected in jars. To light up tents, travel campers set up outback the cottages.

Or the sound of laughing, splashing, water skiing. Tubing behind the wake waves you make on a Maine lake when the sunshine, blue cloudless sky is high overhead.
Maine Lake Fun May Involve A Boat.
You Ready To Get Wet?

Or parking that same pleasure boat out in the middle of the puddle. To use as a swim platform. A fishing station with multiple lines cast early in the AM before most are up? Or with a sail boat, tacking, adjusting those sails for the the maximum speed, tight wind canvas advantage.

Out on the water, where it’s cooler than on shore or in town. Hanging out, working on a tan in your Maine boat.

Not a bad dream to wake up from, to realize. Air brush yourself into a colorful boat. To clear the mental cobwebs. Putting work, your day job way way in the background. Not visible for a few hours, days, weeks in your shift to vacation life rear view mirror. Or when it is welcome to retirement in Maine. Day after day play. Relaxing just the way you like it, planned it.

If you visit Maine, maybe via one of the 100 cruises ships that parked off the Pine State coast, you will notice lots of colorful, catchy lobster, fishing boats. With names that more often than not seem to have a woman’s, daughter’s names on the port, starboard sides. Keep your eyes peeled, camera ready. Watch for Maine boats. Especially high powered lobster rigs that if you ask nicely, you can get the freshest fish, seafood around before it hits the Maine pound. Comes ashore. The only fish product fresher found is still swimming in the Maine sea.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker