Maine Music Is Sweet, Home Made.
Local State Small Music Programs Compete In Intrumental Vocal Jazz Competition Mar 15th, 16th In Houlton ME.

The economy of one of Maine’s 108 small towns ebbs and flows with new money.

Currency, credit cards, car and bus loads that motor, drive into a Vacationland small burg are a beautiful thing. And those nickel and dimes, all those dollars turn over six to seven times locally. Every time a wallet or purse is opened. A sale is made and local coffers benefit.

So when those new guests swell the local population by a third over one weekend, there is cause for pause.

For celebration, especially when those 2300 souls are all from Maine. All natives from around the Pine Tree State. The majority humming along up Interstate 95. Keeping an eye peeled, open, on the hunt for exit 302. The next to the last one before hello. We’re at the US – Canadian border. Heading into the land of the metric red maple leaf eh? More specific the Atlantic Canadian Provinces. Rut ro. Too far. Over shot.

And when the rumble, the stampede is predominantly Maine kids, and music is involved, can I get an amen over here please. It is extra special because the event is this weekend’s State Of Maine Instrumental Vocal Jazz Festival in Houlton Maine.

Talent, energy, youth excitement fuels the local entertainment. That is electric, practiced, rehearsed for one after another award winning performances. That are the pride and joy of towns from around Maine. Collected in one spot, a single venue. To make on a stage music.

To compete for top honors, a Maine school music trophy to take home.

To display as a reminder of the fruits of the group effort in a school lobby locked glass case. All due to very pleasing, sweet collective polished notes. Mixed just right with an infectious hot beat of Maine music. Belted out from deep inside. Sporting, wearing ear to ear smiles. Music, energy, magic you can tell is enjoyed fully by the on their feet performers. Not just the audience sitting down out front. Two way communication. A strong connection where the crowd makes the performers work harder. Play, sing to them with more intensity, feeling.

Two Local Music Videos | Maine Instrumental Vocal Jazz Festival, Houlton ME

Worked the state music festivals in Houlton Maine in the past.

Animated to pitch in this weekend. Rubbing shoulders, elbow to elbow with boatloads of other local music boosters. To pull off another state level event in the Shiretown March 15th, 16th. Lots of year round planning. To craft and create, run such an intricate event. Hard work, passionate persistence. Devil in the details logistics attention. To iron out wrinkles. Fine tune and remove the bugs. Any wrenches in the production cogs. And the volunteer festivals get even better. Like the creative music, rhythm, choreography, sets, costumes of performances and big helpings of long hard practice.

Will try to capture images, video like in the past events to share highlights, some of the musical excitement of the many talented Maine youth performaces. Places to stay, motel rooms in Houlton Maine area. Maine, our small town people are the sparkle but open a door, step outside all four seasons. Tap into the place with the natural space, Maine.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker