Space, room to roam and not in an area wall to wall with people, that’s Maine.
The ability to live four seasons without bumping in to, offending by accident any other person. If your surroundings are not over populated, wouldn’t that be a big ingredient in a more content, easier day to day life?
Maine is not short suited, has islands.
A slew of them. According to the State Planning Office’s Maine Coastal Program there are 4,613 islands along the shoreline or a tidal waterway. The Wikipedia list of Maine islands shows 3166 along the coast with Mt Desert being the biggest. This link lists detailed information on many Maine islands.
Some Maine islands are privately owned with title deeds to them.
Others are government property. Two have the island’s ownership still disputed by the US and neighboring Canada. A few Maine islands are part of a mainland town, and others have seceded from the cities that used to lay claim to them.
About a third of Maine islands are ten acres in size or larger. And depending on your resource it wavers between fourteen and fifteen the number of year round islands in Maine. Back in the 1970s the property ownership titles to every Maine island, rock, ledge was complied in the Coastal Island Registry. Any islands without clear title revert back to the state of Maine. The Department of Inland Fish and Wildlife manage many islands that are used exclusively for bird nesting, seal breeding sites. The bigger islands are watched over by the Department of Parks and Lands.
Like any Maine waterfront resource, being a good steward, treading lightly or without a trace is the common theme of respect of island living, exploring. Following Maine Shoreland Zoning Regulations that apply to beefed up zones of 250′ feet back from waterbodies requires vigilance, study if you truely do not want to harm, hurt the natural resources Vacationland is famous for protecting.
Islands in Maine are a great place to get away from people.
Surrounded by water as a natural protection from land invaders that could disturb your peace and quiet. Not many trick or treaters to worry about. I have sold lake islands in Grand, Drews Lake before. But with such a low population through the state of Maine, you don’t need to lay claim to an island to truely take a break from being in any one’s face, and vice versa. To recharge, heal, refresh or just spend some time truely alone with just yourself to hear yourself think. Here’s details about Maine lobster licensing regulations so you can have delicacies of the sea that are fresh fresh fresh to go with your island life.
Maine, one drop dead gorgeous state. With more than enough space to enjoy because of low population, way way less people to mess it up with traffic, crime, noise and hustle bustle. Come for a day, stay a life time. Find your place in the space of Maine.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker