Maine is famous for success stories. It is still a place where if you have a good idea, a passion to create something from thin air, anything is possible with hard work, dedication.
Case in point, the Courtyard Cafe and Garden Bar in downtown Houlton Maine.
Joyce Transue’s culinary talent is well known and over the last fourteen years Southern Aroostook County has benefited greatly from her efforts in the kitchen. Hank her carpenter husband and daughter Emily have worked as a team to transform a classic downtown brick building in to a thriving Maine restaurant business. Come meet them in person! Tour the operation, ask lots of questions. Sellers will train.
And good news, if you are looking to tie on an apron, are good dealing with the public, like to cook and create an atmosphere that is memorable, fun, fulfilling. The Courtyard Cafe and Garden Bar is for sale. Take the video tour of this Houlton Maine business.
Maine Restaurant For Sale Houlton ME Video
Buy a job, maybe this is the carrot to get you to finally act on the dream to live, work, play in Maine. Be honest, if you are one of the eight out of ten people who live in a city, urban area. Are you feeling safe, have the elbow room and space you desire to be happy? No? Bail out, move, relocate to Maine. The way life should be.
Consider seriously owning, running and making what you are worth with a Maine business property listing.
The sense of satisfaction of taking a well run fourteen year strong Maine business and taking it to the next level will be rewarding, satisfying.
Develop the second floor that can be three rental offices and a landlord’s efficiency apartment. Enjoy income from two store fronts that create extra traffic for your business. This happy couple, family have done a first class job creating from scratch a thriving, healthy fun restaurant business.
Maine, get here quick as you can.