Maine Steamed Lobsters Are Bright Red, Pretty Tasty. But They Start Out Dark Green.
The Only Maine Lobster Fresher Is Still Swimming In The Ocean.

Maine lobsters, they start out dark green, not bright red.

Have you have been out on the ocean, off the rugged rock bound coast of Maine floating in a diesel powerful lobster boat? Dropping lobster pots, hauling in new traps later on in the journey along the coast of Maine?

My oldest son Alex got the lobster experience off the coast of Eastport Maine this past weekend. This image shows a large female lobster with a notched tail which I was told meant back in the drink.

Growing up in Aroostook County, an expert lobster fisherman I am not.

Liking to crack them open, dip them in real Houlton Farms Dairy butter and enjoy a family feasts of lobsters, steamed clams is fun, filling.

But what about the actual lobstering and regulations the fisherman have to work around, abide by?

Here is more on Maine lobstering license regulations. And here is more on the general lobstering history, device names and terms associated with the fishing industry Maine is famous for, depends on in our tourist industry and for exporting.

For several years, a group of friends would get together in South Harpswell Maine, park at the local marine. And boat over to Catalina Island to camp, tent for the weekend. No lobstering or clamming going on but got harvest some mussels that were pretty tasty.

In theory the annual outing was a Blue Fish Maine tournament.

None of us ever caught any but we still got the invitation each year.

A new neat designed t-shirt to show we had been part of the invitational Maine blue fishing event to feel prestigious, special was handed out at the end of the weekend. You will find a slew of Maine islands along the coast to explore, claim as your own unique special Vacation spot. Maine, big state, friendly people, neat places to explore with all of our nooks, crannies and drop dead gorgeous four season beauty. We are known as “Vacationland”, reminded on every license plate for a reason. Find out why.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker