Land in Maine, it is one big state and to me a sleeping giant, with low cost acreage options available to buy a lot of land for very little money.
The old adage to buy low, sell high applies to any comodity. Maine land in my opinion is way under valued. When you consider what the same land is selling for just a few miles across the Maine border crossing in New Brunswick Canada, you stratch your head. To buy prime farm land for $1000 an acre or less in Maine gets your attention. When to get the land a few miles east in Canada is $5000 per acre and higher for the same quantity property type.
Or the same sticker shock happens the further south you go as you tool down interstate 95 out of Houlton Maine, Aroostook County.
Another concern is food costs in this country that always had a cheap food policy..at least from the farmers growing it point of view. Where our food comes from, what it costs is becoming more of a concern healthwise, financially.
Add to the equation that many folks that work hard for their money do not like to just hand it over to a stock broker these days. Too many CEO’s and corporate giants have been hauled up court house steps on the nightly news charged with a violations laundry list eroding the investor confidence to all time lows.
Consider too the fun, serious outdoor recreational options Maine land offers and the decision to buy is a no brainer. From an acre for $3490 up to hundreds of acres, in Maine there is plenty of property to go around no matter what the size of the wallet you sit on. Scope out our Maine land buffet. Or consider this 200 Maine waterfront acres on river, stream too for in the $90’s! Recreational land, back woodlots are even cheaper per acre, down to the $500 per acre averages.
Maine, land is here to tramp, dream about, use on vacations or for full time relocation, retirement.
I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers