Not so long ago, if you wanted to look into real estate for sale in Maine, you had to check with this office and that Realtor in the area of the state you were shopping and studying.
Calling multiple Realtors to gather information and data. Slow and limited. You always have a sinking feeling that something is slipping by your property wise. You longed for a one stop shop.
You can now do a single venue search. Saving time, seeing more property, quickly, thoroughly. If you click and mouse over the Maine IDX MLS logo on the left hand navigation bar, a map of the entire state, all sixteen counties, all the towns, all the cities appear ready to examine, reference. Ready 24/7 at your finger tips from your lap top anywhere world wide with an internet connection.
You type in whether it’s a Maine home, farm, land, commercial from businesses to apartment houses your want to seach.
Next further define a price range or just show them all cheapest to most expensive or reverse order. Next you can scroll down thru the quick look abbreviated thumbnails and property highlights. Unlock more information on the ones you check off and ask for details on. Up to eight pictures, maps, lots of data and maps. That is powerful. It’s free. And if you jot down the six digit property listing numbers that grab your interest, no matter where they are located in the state, I can get you more info. Like days on the market the listing has hung around. And other indicators to help you dial in on what the owner’s situation is, what the history of the property marketing/pricing has been. You can study each listings, size them up, compare them. Here is the direct link to our Maine mls idx search option.
Why does property sell or not sell? Two major reasons. Proper, realistic pricing based on recent similiar sales, and competing similiar listings. Correct, aggressive, passionate non stop marketing of the listing is the second make or break factor that determines if the property sells and how fast with what degree of terms and conditions. A good full time Realtor is your partner, guide, resource and friend thru this process. is the largest real estate site in the world. Your broker should have an enhanced, full feature site with option to put up to 25 images, to post live narrated video, and with well written, sharp, interesting copy.
Making the phone ring, the emails pour in and having more Maine real estate buyer visits from a larger, far reaching area than just your home town. The goal to maket and sell the property which is a person’s largest investment. And to avoid wasting marketing time, resources in the process.
Mooers Realty offers a statewide Maine mls property listings portal to search all sixteen counties.